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You are the creator

First Rule of Magic Link to ETSY to buy the ebook

Woodland walking meditation

In our modern society we are normally disconnected from nature. Such disconnection leads to stress, mental and health problems and general unhappiness.

During my shamanic awakening that lead me to review old ideas I had, I experienced a 15 days activation when I contacted an old yew tree in a sacred place in South East England. After that my communication with trees became more fluid, thus I was encouraged by tree dryads to publish a little ebook What the trees told me that an be purchased by following the link as ebook at ETSY. I am not a writer and English is not my first language but I have done my best to translate into words the language of the trees I communicated with. Their insights are life changing. Includes photos of the trees I communicated with.

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This ebook contains the insights I received from trees during a three years period of visits to woodlands in East Sussex. It also has lovely photos of the trees I communicated with.

It is the easiest way to re-kindle the magic within and develop a mental framework that is wholesome and self nurturing.

This book offers a new way of looking at life that would assist you in finding a more liberating, fun and wholesome way of living. Ideal for changing times

We have these lovely Lemurian Light crystals in our ETSY shop

#Lemurian Light #crystals are great crystals for achieving visionary experiences. They are very soothing and assist the Light Body. They support the interface between the Light Body and the Nervous system assisting the later to replenish.
They are a great aid for meditation and they can be used to open the energy vortex at the back of the head facilitating mystical experiences

All my crystals have clear energy, have been energized and activated by a grid of crystal skulls from the Amar and Synergy lines combined with a Aquarian master grid. They are ideal for those that like high energy crystals, energy healers, crystal healers and Reiki practitioners. They will also suit anyone that is raising their frequency.