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Tree Ogham energies for 27th February - 5ft March 2015

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Positive Aspects: Quert or Apple

This week energies will feel different that what we were experiencing since December 2015
For those that have spent such time expanding their consciousness, there will be a feeling of more vitality, regeneration. The integration of new ways of seeing life as well as personal psychic integration.

It is a good week for spiritual work, for being in nature and for working with Nature Spirits and crystals.

Just this morning I felt our fairy friends clearer in a way that was a bit more patchy through out the process of clearing the old energies in the Solar System.

More discordant energies need to be cleared in the Solar System according to the Aquarian Elven but for now we have some respite from such process.

Quert or Apple is one of the most mystical trees of the Ogham, it brings a feeling of wholeness and promotes just being rather than doing and doing.

Apple is associated with the Isle of Avalon, the land of eternal youth.

A much needed promising respite to celebrate that we are all still here as the Cosmic Clock turns

Challenging aspects - Tinne or Holy

This will be a challenging week for people that resist change and have resisted change since December. The updating forces of the Universe can't be resisted. What does not work and it is out of integrity has to go.

Being in integrity means to be in true harmony with the cosmos, in balance on what we give and receive, and in power taking responsibility for what we do rather than blaming others for what is not working in your life.

Being out of integrity will be rather bewildering this week as Cosmic accounts or Karma will need to be settled.

If you are in integrity and find yourself in the middle of someone else's story, you might consider getting out of there as soon as you can. The time for rescuing others is over.We all have to stand in our own two feet.

Please feel free to share this message. Copyright Tove Gambetta. All rights reserved


Energy forecast made by Ogham Trees for 20th to 26th February 2015

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Supporting energies: Fearn or Alder, the tree of guidance

This means that this week is a good week to seek advise or to go within and find advise with the help of our inner guides or totem animals.
It is a good time to be discerning and release all that is distracting you from your path. There are many ideas that lead to nowhere and while that was ok in the past now the time to tune up for the incoming energies is short. 
Many people are feeling the "pre-wave" and it is having the strongest impact I have ever experienced. Hence, all that you can do to get you inner house in order will bring you a better and more harmonious experience.
Fearn says there is now true knowledge being released, information that was not there before. And made a point that most of what was there is a regurgitation of the same old paternalistic story (see the comments Gregory made yesterday in the Celtic Oracle page in facebook )
The reluctant traveler that is sticking to the past and the Piscean paternalistic perspective might find him/herself as if the floor under their feet has collapsed.
All that we believe affect our DNA. To make a parallel, if you upgrade your computer and put software that is not compatible with the existing software the computer crashes. The same thing is happening with the DNA hence, we are seeing a significant rise in mental dis-comfort and emotional upheavals.

Take the beat from the Alder and go within. If you do not know how to work with your totem animal this is a great video 

Challenging energies: Gort or Ivy reversed

Gort tell us that we may face constricting energies this week. There is no compromise with constricting energies for ultimate they lead to challenges and difficulties. There are a lot of hostile energies in human society. Some call them "vampiric" energies. The sort of people that will stop to nothing but getting their own materialistic ways. This is a time to let go of that. To let go of the "victim - victimizer game". For there are no victimizers if the potential victim is self empowered and self directed.
Gort advises a clean break from all that drains and requires putting more energy, effort, money and so on than what has a balanced return of energy.
Perhaps is a week to say enough is enough and self empower oneself by following oneself <3

Copyright Tove Gambetta. All rights reserved
Please feel free to share this message can be shared in its totality only


Energie forecast made by the Ogham trees for this week 13th -19th February. And short message from the Sidhe about twins.



Positive aspects: Duir or Oak reversed

Oak tell us that this week will be one of deep inner change that will pose complex questions to the way we see and live our lives. Oak says that the only way to go through this week's energies without getting entangled into situations that will have repercussions for many years to come is to act with integrity.

But what does it entail acting with integrity? Oak says the Universe has simple rules that anyone of us know deep within ourselves. Integrity means taking responsibility for our actions, avoid blaming others for our own oversights and shortcomings. It means being fair in our taking and giving, not to take what is not ours and not to take without permission. For example, many think that is ok to take from plants without permission as they do not have consciousness but they do, all the kingdoms are alive from the tiniest speck of dust to the biggest mountain and any creature in between, all has the same rights as humans do. This is the law of balanced interchange of energy. When one takes on has to put the same energy one way or another. And finally is respecting all and cooperating with the Universe.

It will be a good week for discerning what areas of our life are not in co-resonance and do what is possible to harmoniously change what can be changes.

Or in other words, this is a week of preparation for the new wave of energy that will be coming next month. It is a very important week for our souls.

Challenging aspects: Straif or Blackthorn

Straif says it all! It rarely appears on readings but when it does it means that holding on to what is disharmonious will be painful.

Blackthorn is the tree of the Morrigan in Celtic Lore, she heralds the inner struggle of the soul as it prepares for the alchemical marriage with spirit, which is the soul's destiny.

Morrigan is a kind teacher if you understand her. Much of what it is attributed to her was just symbolical tales. The fear of the Morrigan exists because she is a self empowered Goddess that does not fear anything. Her presence brings down entire paradigms. This can be done kindly by cooperating or can be quite painful when one resists.

As the collective soul of humanity aims for an step up it is up to us to individually listen and pay attention to the call.

Hence straif signals an end to meandering on the sidelines of intellectual distraction and a hands on approach to true inner transformation. 

Message from the Sidhe 

Dear friends, in this time of your year where many feel dissapointed with the situation of their personal relations we thought it might be useful a brief reminder of the beauty that is within you reach.

You all have a counterpart, some call this part the "twin" or "higher self". It does not matter what you call him/her. It is always there waiting for you to contact, to receive the love and friendship that has never been denied to you.

If you feel lonely call your counterpart. You should know that him/her will never ask you to do anything that is not within the Cosmic logic and rules. Perhaps what you hear sometimes as guidance might not be what you would like to hear but, if you stop and listen, you will benefit.

We are here too but it is more difficult to hear us. We do not often come out to talk for only few can see us. We do not do channelings, just face to face communication.

May you be blessed and find the fun in everything.

Copyright Tove Gambetta. All rights reserved.
Please feel free to repost and share this message but only in its totality.


Ogham energies 6-12th February 2015

Hope you all had a good week and tuned into the Imbolc Celebrations. If you didn't is never to late to tune in to nature and feel the changing of the seasons.

This morning for example when I was putting out the rubbish for its weakly collection, I noticed it was much brighter than last week. Days are getting longer even though it is still quite cold here in England.

Being in harmony with nature help us to be in harmony within. Nature is a great healer, she is always there for us in her many forms and expressions of beauty

Positive energetic aspects: Luis or Rowan

Rowan is a tree that offers protection in the way of forewarning us and enhancing the voice of our gut feelings. When it comes in a reading means that we are being protected. What is being protected is not the material aspects of life but the spiritual side of ourselves.

Yet Luis also protect us from deception thus it is likely that this week things or ideas might appear in our radar that need serious scrutiny.

It is a good week for being discerning, logical, grounded and for asking questions that can assist elucidating whether what we are being told has grounding or not. And whether is a good decision to take such information is.

In our complex world of fast information there is a lot going out there. So much that is not possible to get deeply into any of it. Hence there is the temptation of taking things at face value. Avoid doing such thing this week for there is information that will come that has dubious provenance.

While we are protected, Luis always advises checking up how we are shielding our core self or unconscious.

It is a good week for making talismans and magical things

Opposing forces and challenges: Fearn or Alder

It will be a challenging week for creativity and for starting new projects. If you need to sell or buy a house for example, check the small print because there will be hidden things. General speaking, it may prove to be a week with emotional charge. Hence the best course of action if you have to make any important changes in your life, is to take some time to relax and get your ideas straight.

In addition, this is the last week of Mercury retrograde. Hence doubly checking everything will pay off

To cope with the stress, take time to walk in nature

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