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Ogham Tree energies for 24th - 30th April

Positive currents.- Ailim or Silver Fir

Ailim is one of my favourite trees, a joy to see all year around. Always embracing, it also provides much needed shelter to many creatures during the winter months where other trees are bare.

Because Ailim is so tall, it has a great vision of the landscape which in human terms means that this week will be great for engaging any projects related with the broader picture for the future. All actions taken to support the greater collective, including the planet and her creatures, will find support and take on the imagination and heart of people.

Mother is calling and asking to do our bit to prevent our own hardship. She will do what she needs to keep herself healthy and to support the life of the greater good.

This means that we are still in time to make our personal contribution to change the way humanity is going. Even little things like being mindful of the conditions the food you eat is grown, making the small changes that you can within your budget. Avoiding products that are heavily packaged for example, asking your supermarket to use less packaging.

Anything that can make life less taxing for the planet will support you as well.

It will also be a good week for life mapping, in the sense that it is easy to get lots in the small detail and forget the overall goal. Many times the pressures of  work make us go through the motions day by day. Hence we forget why are we here in this planet in this moment in time and what difference we can make to our life and our family if we just stop and reconsider whether what we are doing is what we really want or whether there is a better way to do it.

More than ever we need to be connected with the web of life and listen because things are changing very rapidly and not always in our favour. Being in the flow is the only place supported by the cosmos. All other diversions are becoming hard to negotiate and at times it can feel like going one step forward and two backwards.

This week's challenge - Beith or Birch

Similar to last week. New beginnings are challenging at all levels, particularly if they are not in tune with the Cosmos.

I am experiencing myself a "reversed" time where I do get done all that I plan but in a very wacky order. Many distractions and events that happen unexpectedly.

Being in the present and listening has been of great help as I have been able to negotiate the turbulent waters just before they reached me, it has not been totally trouble free. I do urge everybody to sharpen their mindfulness. It seems the only way to have a harmonious time as of late.

If you do not know how to meditate or practice mindfulness, this is a good week to start. I have the feeling that it will be very needed in the future

May you be blessed!

Celtic Oracle
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Ogham Tree energies for 17th to 23rd April

Positive aspects: Luis or Rowan (mountain Ash)

Luis has a very interesting dryad that can guide you through the maze of confusion created by information overload fostering a discerning mind and clear common sense.

This means that this week there will be much to discern but, the good news are that having the energy of Rowan around and connecting with such frequency can help us to take the right choices rather than fall into the trap of delusion or self delusion.

Modern media is very convenient and helpful in many ways. But, it has also allowed the proliferation of ideas that are not helpful and can create a great deal of negative emotions like hopelessness, confusion, sadness, fear and so on. Disinformation can apply to all sorts of sources hence, calling upon the Luis dryad to help us protect ourselves from "enchantment" (mind control) while at the same time we are able to have the ability to distinguish bad from good.

Not all that sounds positive is good and not all that sounds negative is bad. A big conundrum to ponder upon. In our pleasure hungry world choosing instant rewards lead to serious pitfalls. 

There are a lot of good things out there, yet there are plenty deceiving ideas too.

Thus this week true discernment will be supported while choosing not to discern may carry negative consequences in the future.


"Truth will always support me but it is my responsibility to discern and choose wisely"

Challenging aspect: Beith or Birch

When Beith is in leaf it is clear sign Summer is almost here. Beith is the tree of new beginings, new ideas and going forward.

Because it is in its negative aspect it means that this week will be challenging for creativity, new beginnings, starting new enterprises or projects and even spring cleaning.

The best approach to this week is to keep running as they are and use the time to plan for the future. We might encounter trying situations at all levels hence it is a good opportunity to use discernment and to be patient.

Disruption in communications and transport are possible so have contingency plans at the ready or if all goes wrong go for a cuppa at your favourite place. Forcing will not work. 

Prioritize, discern and have contingency plans...and relax!

Being aligned with tree energies always works

Faerie Blessings
From the Faerie Cosmic Mists
Celtic Oracle


Ogham Tree energies for 10th to 16th April

Supporting energies: Luis or Rowan

One of my favourite trees! Known in many places as mountain ash, never grows very big but it has such a strong nurturing energy, not very common where I live. When I started my Druid studies, I remember going on a quest to find it as it is the 2nd tree of the Alphabet. I did find some in several unexpected locations, since then I visit them regularly to seek their inspiration.

Luis tells us this week is very good for discernment. We live in a world where truth is normally "bend" to serve the purpose of pressure groups interested in their own profits and not the common good. Indeed, the common good is something very few think about.

This week will be a good week to "weed" out connections, ideas, programs, facebook friends, etc that no longer resonate and only want you to agree with them, never interested in you but into pushing their own ideas. If you honestly feel strongly about something, be brave and disagree...if the person on the other side "unfriends" you, it means that they were not your friends truly and wanted you as a follower and not as a "discerning" being.

As you separate what is real and what is not, you will find that you have much more time to fulfil your soul's quest.

"Seek truth, seek quality and avoid following the herd" in the mantra Luis give us this week.

You will be wiser at the end and feel more in peace as connections, even superficial, do take part of your soul's energy.

It is also a good week for self nurturing at a Soul level with meaningful actions like going to outdoor spaces and engaging with nature.

This week's challenge: Gort or Ivy reversed

Pretty much the same undercurrents we went through last week, and what a week it was!

If your intent is to go to into the next upwards turn of the spiral it is important to get into true cosmic alignment.

There is a lot out there that calls itself  "Cosmic" but it is not. "The proof of the pudding is on the eating" if you have been practising a set routine that others have told you is "spiritual" yet, you are still stuck in the same self destructive loop, feeling the same, having the same physical issues, having the same material is time to face it an accept that it is not the right path for you.

A spiritual path that works brings true change at all levels. It is paced so it does not destabilize your life for growth is a joyful experience when done correctly. It does not make you ill and in need of purging. And it is simple and devoid of "mumbo jumbo" and ideas impossible to comprehend.

Have a ponder

May you be blessed

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Copyright Tove Gambetta. All rights reserved
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Ogham Tree energies for 3rd to 9th April

Supporting energies: Quert or Apple reversed

Quert is one of the most magical trees in the Ogham alphabet. It is connected to the Isle of Avalon or the isle of Apples.

Apples being the food of the Gods in the Norse sagas are symbol of nourishment and health. Hence the old adage about apples: an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

But here we are dealing with something that is more like a poison apple. The poison has not been put there by the apple tree but by the way live is being lead in our contemporary environment. One can even refer to the way we are poisoning the water and the food which is given to us by the Earth to support us.

The support given here is to reconsider the way you are living. Is your life giving you what you desire? or are you going through the motions carried away by inertia, without a clear idea of what you really want in your life? Are you being as kind to the Earth and her creatures as you want others to be with you?

This week there is a great risk of getting ill or starting an illness. Contrary to what in modernity we see as a cause of illness, as a mere dysfunction of the physical body, in Celtic lore the focus was to prevent illness by keeping a healthy environment at all levels. In the Soul, Mind/emotions and body.

Thus the advise of Quert is to review your ways to attain better health and prevent illness and if you do get ill, seek the appropriate advise to get you back to your feet.

Because this omen has come just before a lunar eclipse, my feeling is that being healthy in the immediate future, or til the next eclipse, will be a bit of a challenge and will require structural changes in the way we live. Healthy living is not only about food and exercise, it requires a healthy auric field which is quite a challenge considering how much psychic, emotional and electromagnetic pollution humanity is putting out. 

Illness starts at the level of the Astral body, clearing the astral body is very important to sustain health in a consistent way.

The Challenge for this week: Onn or Ivy reversed

I know, two reversed omens in the same week. The challenge of Onn is to choose the right spiral by choosing right action. Right action is not the same as being "righteous". Right action is connected to being in harmony with the Natural Cosmic Laws.

Nothing is static, all is in movement at all times. Just like the planet, the Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy and so on. The Soul and Spirit are in movement too. Such movement follows the Helical pattern that can be expansive and upwards towards the light or, like Ivy does, it can constrain and asphyxiate.

If the place you are in life is closing down on you and you feel it is all to much, Onn urges you to reconsider why you are where you are and why you are doing what you are doing. Paying the bills is not a purpose in life, it is necessary but not a purpose. When the focus is on survival, life loses its charm and little by little the soul closes down. Life becomes dull and uninteresting. This is followed by some sort of chronic illness eventually. The way to turn around a situation like this is NOT to quit your job in the spur of the moment, because that will increase the problems but, to take time and consider your options. If you are in a position in which there is little choice at the moment, get a hobby, do something that inspires you and renews you. It does not need to be expensive, sometimes a walk by the beach or in a park can make a huge difference.

When the inspiration comes back, you will be in a better position to decide how to make a living and have fun while you do that.

As mentioned before, the undertones of this reading will show on a off until the next Lunar eclipse.

May you be blessed
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