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Ogham Tree enegies for 27th March to 2nd April

Supporting aspects: Nuin or Ash reversed

Nuin is the tree of the bigger picture, big ideas and transcendental change. The teacher that comes and kindly requests that we look again at the direction we are taking.

When Nuin comes reversed it signals events in the outer world that will create a fundamental change in the way we perceive reality. That can be a good thing or not depending on how we respond.

Or in other words, this week will offer us possibilities to embrace change and find different explanations for the obstacles or disappointments we may find in our way.

A full on week with the possibility of reaching higher awareness.

A tricky one too. Choosing to hold on the status quo will be very hard. Choosing to listen to the Cosmos on the other hand and be willing to change ways of doing things will feel uplifting.

We are all in this together, thus your efforts even if may seem small count. If many people individually say no to something they consider unfair things change.

Your intent is priceless, anything can happen when focus intent is applied.

Ask yourself what is your intent this week and ask again whether such intent deserve the lofty vision Nuin has. Is it cosmic enough? is it embracing enough? if yes you are for sure in the right track.

Opportunities for growth: Onn or Gorse

Gorse is in full flower in this moment offering their bright yellow colour and delicate perfume. If you live near a natural place in the UK, or if you drive, you are sure to see it. Spare a moment (safely if you are driving) to connect with Gorse and get its guidance.

Gorse is indispensable to wildlife in the winter and one of the first flowers to come out and support bees with its sweet nectar.

The message of gorse for this week is simple, learn how to live without hoarding. Connect to Mother Earth and realize that if you are in tune with her you will always find your way to safety and plenty without hurting other life forms.

Message from the Aquarian Elven

Dear Friends, we are pleased to confirm the 1st activation has been fully anchored in the energy grids of Mother Earth. Those of you that are sensitive may be feeling the magic despite the turbulence in your outer world.

Full remote 1st DNA activations are still available until the 1st of May here

Short remote 1st DNA simplified activations are available here

The next DNA live activation will be the 20th September in a venue in East Sussex. In this activation we will complete the upgrading of the Astral body and gift you with the ideas trees have that can help us shift your perspective of life. There will be also planetary grid work. If you can not attend in person, you can connect with us remotely too.

The interchange of energy for the live workshop is £95 per person to cover costs. Please email us via our facebook page   if you are interested in reserving a place as the previous workshop was sold out.

Two Aspens...magical Faerie portal...where will it lead you?

Buy magic crystals and handmade pendants here 

Personal Psychic Ogham readings here



Ogham Tree energies for 19th to 26th March - Spring Equinox

Merry Alban Eilir!

This  reading is being made at the time of the Spring Equinox thus it will have overtones for the next six weeks until Beltane.

Supportive energies Coll or Hazel

Of all the ogham fews Coll is the one that has no negatives. Coll says that in this week and the period that follows until Beltane there is an opportunity to truly engage what is real. As the door of the subconscious opens it can reconnect and offer us its wisdom of the ages. A good time for meditation, receiving insights and inspiration, and doing all manner of things that engage you with the power of Earth and her creatures.
It is a time for listening what Earth (EnSidhe) is singing for she is now in true alignment too.

For those that have a conventional life this period of six weeks is like no other for a long time. Take the opportunity to learn how to meditate and to engage with the power of nature. Being in nature will feel particularly good, rejuvenating and supportive.

Challenging aspects Ailim or Pine

It is very interesting how the fews have come out this time. Ailim as a quest signals the need to conquer one's fears. This means that in the same way we will be supported in all things connected with Earth magic and honoring who we truly are; we will also be reminded that being out of alignment is being in fear. A fear that can be terrifying.

The only way around this is to be connected with who you truly are, a being of Earth living in the most magical planet in the Galaxy. Presently we are denying such connection as collective and such connection at personal level. Earth (EnSidhe) our mother has been vilified for such long time that many people want to leave this planet and go somewhere else. But where is the question?

We live in a mansion that has the richest vegetation and variety. It offers so much, yet we have fall into the belief that we are better than our princely home. Acting like one out of its senses we are destroying our mansion thinking that we will be able to pack our bags and leave.

What we have not been told is that while there are many movies about space travel, we do not have viable technology to take us very far. Nor our bodies can withstand such exertion.

Soul envelopes are designed with the ecosystem they are to fit  in mind. Which in few words mean that we can only live here, in this magical Earth (EnSidhe). The Astronauts are aware of that and can't stay in space for long. The idea of terraforming is just an illusion for if we knew how to do it, we would not have deserts in this planet. Being a planet is much more complex than being one person. Yet being a person is such mystery that doctors spend their lives trying to understand why we get sick in the first place.

Sickness comes from wrong living. And perhaps it is time to admit that we got it wrong as collective and we need to go back to the drawing board in order to re-create our societal structures in a way in which we are nurtured but at the same time fair with the rest of the ecosystem.

Hence the fears surfacing through next week and the overtones of such fears in the next six weeks will be related to survival and the idea of the collapse of civilization.

Ailim is a lovely teacher, I have worked with this Dryad since my childhood. Perhaps finding a pine tree and meditating under it will be a good thing if you feel carried away by extreme feelings.

Message from the Elven

They said to me this morning that they are aware of the impending changes and advised to focus on making ourselves happier and more discerning.

To go steady through the next weeks is better to avoid negative media hype.

Message from the Aquarian Elven

They said the acceleration of consciousness is on. Consciousness can't expand if we hold stale ideas. For Consciousness to grow we need to look at the new for the old has failed us. 
This time is curtains down for the Age of Piscis, To let go of those ideas and the ideas of eras before for those ideas will not be in resonance with the new Grand Cycle in Aquarius.

We are at the dawn of a new era

May you be blessed in this time of magic and party like the Fairies!

If you are interested in a personal reading or an Aquarian Energy healing or DNA activation session pleaseContact me here

Support our work by buying from our shops where you will find all manner of magical crystals, handmade pendants and crystals for the home



Tree Ogham energies for 6 to 12 March 2015

Supporting energies - Eadha or Aspen

Eadha is a Fairy tree, a portal that leads us into the Summerlands with its magic, it ask us to listen to our inner voice, to hear the messages of the wind in the rustling of the leaves.

For those that are connected spiritually with the true essence of being, the energies of this week have the potential of bringing joy and connectedness.

For those that are still living disconnected from what is true in the cosmos, this is potentially a time of fear where the reality of things differs considerably with the ideas of how things should be in the context of society. All that is untrue will be difficult.

It is a good week for communication, spending time in nature, for being in the moment, for engaging with our Sidhe ancestors (the true non Disney like fairies) and for all activities that are connected with imagination, creativity, music and for being in the flow.

Challenging energies - Coll or Hazel

Coll being the purest light does not have a negative aspect which is interesting. It supports all artistic activities that are connected to true life. Hence it just confirms what Eadha says for this week

In short, this week is a week of great opportunity, for those aligned with the flow, who understand that life has nothing to do with the structures we have been living in. It has the potential to be a week like we have not experienced for some time. A feeling of being alive to the core.

It will be challenging to do routine things but it creates an opportunity for mastery.

For those that are not aligned with the flow things can get unstuck and produce much chaos and fear. This is again an opportunity to re-evaluate whether you are in the right place or whether the path you are following is just not in true alignment. 

It is as if the Cosmic energies will be telling us which is the way ahead in no uncertain terms. 

If you are aligned, it is likely that you will see people having crisis. It is best to avoid getting dragged into situation like that, particularly if those in crises are always in a crisis and refuse to take responsibility for their own lives. We are not talking here about those love ones that are suffering from ill health and need support.

We are all making choices, we all have the opportunity to chose wisely, we do not have to solve the problems of others unless it is our desire to do so. Allowing others to grow is also a graduation from power games and emotional entanglements.

Ask yourself whether you are getting a fair exchange of energy for your efforts, or whether you are allowing yourself to be victimized by carrying a big cart of people that refuse to take responsibility for their actions behind you.

It is not harsh to say no and allow others to grow. It is wisdom.

May you be blessed!
Support our work by buying our crystals


Lemurians with Molybdenum - Heavy metal poisoning

IMPORTANT info.- Curious as I am, and will always be, I bought a "Lemurian with molybdenum". As it turned out, they are not Lemurians at all. Just crystals that have experienced growth interference, just like Nirvana quartz.

The surface molybdenum has left irregular striations in the crystal. The fact that it has striations does not make it a Lemurian. Striations and laddering are different.

The energy is subdued, it is not at all Lemurian energy. Nor as energetic as Nirvana either

It is really your choice but they are not Lemurians.

Obviously, being a Lemurian connoisseur with many years of experience it saddens me what some crystal sellers do but them with their consciousness. There is Karma after all

For those Lemurian lovers like I am, I understand that molybdenum is a heavy metal with health risks. Hence I would not think it is sensible to handle these crystals with your bare hands or to put them in contact with the skin.

Lemurians with molybdenum are thought to come from Peru. I do not sell them.

All the Lemurian crystals that I sell come from Brazil and they do not have other inclusions than chlorite or iron oxide

Breathing molybdenum dust is not a good idea either.

The most common symptoms of Molybdenum poisoning are

Copper depletion
Liver Damage
Kidney damage
Weight Loss
Central nervous system changes

Here is a link with more details

Apart from avoiding handling material that can release heavy metals into the air you breathe, please do not use crystals with heavy metals to make crystal elixirs or to purify water. Even washing a crystal that contain heavy metals can potential release heavy metals into the water system.

Releasing heavy metals into the water system can potentially affect the health of animals and other humans drinking such waters.


Musings of a Nature Lover at the Alexandra Park

I had a long walk today, I do not know how many kilometres because I was rather distracted seeing nature awaken and feeding squirrels.

The Alexandra Park in Hastings is a mixed environment that goes from the gentile Victorian facilities and lovely Victorian cricket pavilion now converted into a nice place to refuel and have a cupa if you fancy one. And then there is the manicured beds in contrast with more woodland like areas.

The park length is 2 1/5 miles without considering the area that leads to Bohemia Road or the Old Roar wood or Coronation wood which was my main target today. Thus I don't know how much I walked but it must have been more than 5 miles.

From where I go into the park is quite a walk to the main body of the park, but I also decided to go to the other side towards the town centre so I can now say I walked the whole thing there and was quite a walk and I won't lie, bit tired now but very pleased.

I love nature, I have always done since I was a child. Then my place of refuge was an olives park down in Lima, Peru which was reasonable near to my home.

I have been told that when I am in nature my eyes lit up. True to say what I feel is very light hearted and enthralled by the workings and beauty of Mother Nature.

Every blade of grass so perfect, every leave so unique and every flower a riot of colour, shape and sometimes fragrance. What could one say about the magic of trees?

I won't bore you with the details but suffice to say that I was really ill for more than a decade. So ill that going up and down the stairs was challenging. Losing my strength was something I never imagine might happen, but it did.

Walking the whole length of the park and back, and the other bit that leads to Bohemia Road was unthinkable a while ago and yet today it happened.

Since I love going to woods I have not only benefited from their beauty, silence, inspiration and spiritual expansion, they have little by little tease me to walk a bit further, to see that shining leaf, or that rare flower, or that special trunk, further and further forward.

I know it is all Fairies doing this, for they live in woods and parks, or at least I call fairies the spirit that inhabits such intelligence and peace.

Well, hopefully my fitness level will get even better if it is possible. I do not want to push myself in the wrong direction because that is not the purpose of my walks.

My passion is to engage with nature. To meander in silence seeing it all and sometimes recording it with my camera. That is what keeps me ticking.

I consider myself lucky to live where I do. So many parks, natural reserves, small woods and the sea of course. Much of which is accessible by public transport. I do not have a car.

Many people point at Hastings as "faded glory" but I see it differently. I think its green spaces are what one expects. The wild ones are wild and the manicured ones are "pretty" in the Victorian sense. Difficult to have both living side by side but they do.

Me, I prefer the wild. I love seeing how the different wild plants appear in succession from early spring like a well tuned orchestra. A choral of colours that goes in crescendo until it reaches the ultimate fortissimo in early summer. Then all goes just green and into production of fruits and seeds.

Sometimes I feel rather lucky to have chosen to come to live here. I would have never imagine that what London took from me (as in my health) Hastings will give me back.

I don't know if it is something to do with its healing waters. There is a Chalybeate spring just like the one in Tunbridge Wells or the Chalice well in Glastonbury.

Or perhaps is something to do with the sea air so ancient and connected to the land of Ys...Across the English Channel in the other side Merlin's Brittany and the Broceliade Forest. Further down Mount St Michael.

I don't know. One thing I know is that since I moved down here many magic things have happened to me. I don't care any more whether people say it is "rough at the edges" for that is just a point of view.

As my friends the trees say, houses are not alive, what is alive is nature and when one is surrounded with nature it does not matter if one's house is truly dead but standing. To have town conveniences and accessible nature in and around is quite unique for me.  Other places with Chalybeate springs are inland with exception of St Ann's Well Garden in Hove.

There is something about this place that makes one see life in a different way. I was such a different person when I moved in. Now I have learned the old ways of seeing all in nature as alive, as it is, and accepting that age does give you wrinkles and bulges which trees are happy to have as their badges of sturdiness and wisdom.

Today I feel the last of the "made up me" has gone. I have learned from Nature to love my imperfect life which is not imperfect for me but a Symphony of magic happenings from dawn to dusk with birds included.

Can't believe I have sunburn in my face even though I put the sunblock but well, a little price to pay for the spiritual feast that rewarded me with sighting  of Herons, Squirres, Seagulls with black heads? Wagtails and many others. Many trees including the Wellingtonians, Yews, Pines and Cedars and so on. And in the Old Roar I had the luck to walk the very, very muddy path of the stream (very slippery so do take care) with its magic fairy like walls...ahhhh....til my next walk.

Fairy stream me thinks