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Peach Lemurian Seed crystals by Celtic Oracle

Sunday 25 May 2018

I am always amazed how the crystal kingdom is always so in tune with Earth and Cosmic energies.

It does not matter how many years I have been working with crystals or how many decades I have been studying and researching the problems that affect humanity.

Quite often I feel inclined to get specific types of crystals without my day mind understanding why.

As it turns out, the more I work with my own personal Peach Lemurian the more I realise their qualities and abilities.

Earlier in my Facebook site I posted:

They are very rare. The combination of natural yellow iron oxide and pink oxide gives this lovely colour. Energetically it combines the loveliness of pink Lemurians with the healing of golden healer Lemurians. A must have for anyone that is into crystal healing and ideal for these times of complex energy.

But now I have to add, they are much more. They have the energy of spring and renewal, and are connected to the sunrise and sunset energies of the Sun.

They are good for working with the Emotional body and the Mental body with a very balancing effect in both.

But more interestingly I find them help transcend the limitations of gender separation by helping see ourselves as Universal beings beyond the limitations of temporary gender separation.

For as souls we experience both, the male and female polarities, in our different life expressions.

By balancing and unifying our sense of self we can face the world without the limitations of having to respond to specific societal memes that tell us limiting ideas about how we should express ourselves according to each gender.

Seeing each other as humans more than as separate sexes we can achieve a deeper level of healing.

Blessings from the Crystal kingdom

Peach Lemurians


Friday 23rd March

Earth energetic environment

I am starting these periodical blogs with information regarding energy shifts that affect EMF sensitive people.

It is interesting to see that while we are in a solar minimum, there is still plenty of cosmic energy coming into the planet that can affect the balance between the magnetic and electric energies.

Being that we are surrounded by electricity, most people feel imbalances created by excess electricity rather than those created by magnetic irregularities but both have an effect in our wellbeing. Because the great amount of electricity we are surrounded with, it is easy to get blockages in the meridians which are of an electric nature being the water more magnetic.

This is why when there is more electricity in the environment we feel inclined to drink more water.

Blocked meridians can be healed effectively with Aquarian quartz crystal points. I have been working with them with many years and have certainly kept good health for the last 10 years. I am going to be 60 in April and take no pharmaceuticals of any kind. Have an active life too.

Protons have been on the average to elevated level since yesterday, hence many places are reporting intense auroras in the northern countries yesterday night.

We also had a small spike on the KP index which raised to 4

Mild to G1 or Kp5 storms are possible from today to the end of the weekend

The geoelectric field is also reverberating. This means that energy is a bit more electric than magnetic.

The stronger earthquakes this week were around the ring of fire in the Pacific averaging 5 in intensity. Ultra low frequencies are moderate.

What does this means for people that are sensitive to fluctuations in energy?

That the enviroment is mildly challenging and that grounding energy is less easy.

Therefore working with crystal healing and magnetic pads would be more beneficial for the moment.

We will keep an update of what is happening in the geoelectric field.

Have a nice weekend!

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