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What to do when something not so nice is going on

If you are feeling frazzled today it is not you, nor is space weather. Yes we had a number of quakes but nothing out of the ordinary.

But, the big kahunas are playing war games... thus we are like the ham in the sandwich.

They have new 'toys' they want to test and in the process they are frying your brains and making people chesty.

The going is hard, all the alphabet machinery is on the go in the west and the north east.

What to do?

Well if you live in Britain you first will have a nice cup of tea or, if you live everywhere else it is likely you will have a nice coffee.

I have a cup of coffee after I have done my Aquarian crystal healing techniques, which are the ones that have given me back my strength and physical freedom.

Today I used the techniques in eBook one (link below) but rather than doing them in the astral body, I did them in the mental body.

Yes the problem seems to be in the mental. Things like the fence in the sky do that, pity cos the sky free from gun-ho intervention is rather nice.

Why is the mental body causing physical symptoms? Because it is on the way of the inter-phase with our cosmic nutrition.

I am truly thankful to the Aquarian Elven and trees that have shown me the way of empowerment and real freedom.

If you happen to be interested in what has been written you can go to section of my shop in ETSY where my ebooks are link below.

Sorry I am not being more specific about the gun-ho toys but there is censorship everywhere.


Ascending with Crystals

Once upon a time I decided to have a magical life, in which all will work and problems will be a thing of the past.

A life where all around me will work too.

And you know what, it did happen at the end, for my life now is almost what I wanted.

And I am still on the beautiful and magical Earth planet.

So how did I get from A to B? well it was rather a winding road, with some dead ends, yet with the help of natural crystals, rocks and trees I realised that the problem was not outside myself, that I did not have to keep moving to find the ideal place, nor I had to find the ideal partner or the ideal anything. That it was a matter of being clear on what I truly wanted, which was feeling happy, healthy and have what I needed.

We humans have the incredible ability to see reality in different ways depending of the one we choose.

Such realities are varied from horrible to magical.

Crystals show me that being 'crystal clear' about my wishes, and considering whether what I wanted was balanced and kind, will manifest what I desire. They also taught me that the more relaxed and mindful I was, the more consistent my magnetism will be.

You know from my other writings that I work on my energy everyday with my trusty crystal friends.

Because crystals are mostly silica , and they are so connected to the planet and the web of life, they are able to reconnect us to Mother Earth and her wisdom.

Trees too can do that, but it is necessary to progress a bit in unwinding the level of stress we all have when we start our own journey towards our own enlightenment and ascending in this life time.

Enlightenment is a tricky concept because most of us do not have a road map. We tend follow teachings that have not demonstrated being efficient at taking us from A to B. I have done that myself and had some truly harrowing and scary experiences too.

At one point in my life after ticking all the boxes on what is being taught by our own fellow humans, and realising that rather than being more healthy, affluent and happy I was the opposite, I called for help from the deepest bottom of myself.

At that time the big rocks on the beach near where I live were my only refuge, thus I think that it is from them that I started to receive insights.

Eventually some natural quartz crystal points and some rose quartz came into my life by synchronicity.

When I started working with crystals I did not know what to do with them, although I liked them very much.

By having them around, I found my health was improving by spending time with them, I was very ill at that time, and continued to explore the crystal kingdom and I eventually opened a eshop about 10 years ago.

From that beginning I will wake up earlier than usual with ideas I knew were new to me. Put them in practice and see real changes happening in my life. My intuition developed progressively.

Crystals explained to me that I needed to dream more often on what was beautiful and working in my life than what did not. For in their opinion people spend too much energy in the things that are disagreeable to them or chasing ideas that belong to other people who have not achieved the things they want yet.

Then I was prompted to go to woods and become friends with tree beings who explained to me, perhaps in my dreams that this planet offers many types of the realities of our own making.

From the constrictive and fearful ones to the ones in which one can feel in peace within and without, have ones inner desires and learn how to love oneself unconditionally which is truly magical.

Thus in my experience I have gone through several realities in this life time, a type or real ascension in consciousness and personality that has shown me a kinder and more supportive Earth than we think it is at first.

I still work with my crystals every day, it is the first thing I do when I wake up. I often put a couple of natural quartz crystal points under my pillow so I do not need to get out of bed to fetch them.

Fairyland, if you want to call it that, is Mother Earth and her wisdom. We can live in fear or anywhere in between up to happiness and occasional bliss in this world, today, if we choose to take the path of crystal healing, tree healing and Earth healing and heal the wrong ideas that we have. For the natural world is organised and beautiful and we are part of it if we want to be.

Why wait until one remote day to be yourself and love yourself as you are? That is the starting point of your own self discovery journey because every one of us has a huge potential to be the light, peace and beauty we all want to see in the world.

May you find your true happiness!


Peach Lemurian Seed crystals by Celtic Oracle

Sunday 25 May 2018

I am always amazed how the crystal kingdom is always so in tune with Earth and Cosmic energies.

It does not matter how many years I have been working with crystals or how many decades I have been studying and researching the problems that affect humanity.

Quite often I feel inclined to get specific types of crystals without my day mind understanding why.

As it turns out, the more I work with my own personal Peach Lemurian the more I realise their qualities and abilities.

Earlier in my Facebook site I posted:

They are very rare. The combination of natural yellow iron oxide and pink oxide gives this lovely colour. Energetically it combines the loveliness of pink Lemurians with the healing of golden healer Lemurians. A must have for anyone that is into crystal healing and ideal for these times of complex energy.

But now I have to add, they are much more. They have the energy of spring and renewal, and are connected to the sunrise and sunset energies of the Sun.

They are good for working with the Emotional body and the Mental body with a very balancing effect in both.

But more interestingly I find them help transcend the limitations of gender separation by helping see ourselves as Universal beings beyond the limitations of temporary gender separation.

For as souls we experience both, the male and female polarities, in our different life expressions.

By balancing and unifying our sense of self we can face the world without the limitations of having to respond to specific societal memes that tell us limiting ideas about how we should express ourselves according to each gender.

Seeing each other as humans more than as separate sexes we can achieve a deeper level of healing.

Blessings from the Crystal kingdom

Peach Lemurians


Friday 23rd March

Earth energetic environment

I am starting these periodical blogs with information regarding energy shifts that affect EMF sensitive people.

It is interesting to see that while we are in a solar minimum, there is still plenty of cosmic energy coming into the planet that can affect the balance between the magnetic and electric energies.

Being that we are surrounded by electricity, most people feel imbalances created by excess electricity rather than those created by magnetic irregularities but both have an effect in our wellbeing. Because the great amount of electricity we are surrounded with, it is easy to get blockages in the meridians which are of an electric nature being the water more magnetic.

This is why when there is more electricity in the environment we feel inclined to drink more water.

Blocked meridians can be healed effectively with Aquarian quartz crystal points. I have been working with them with many years and have certainly kept good health for the last 10 years. I am going to be 60 in April and take no pharmaceuticals of any kind. Have an active life too.

Protons have been on the average to elevated level since yesterday, hence many places are reporting intense auroras in the northern countries yesterday night.

We also had a small spike on the KP index which raised to 4

Mild to G1 or Kp5 storms are possible from today to the end of the weekend

The geoelectric field is also reverberating. This means that energy is a bit more electric than magnetic.

The stronger earthquakes this week were around the ring of fire in the Pacific averaging 5 in intensity. Ultra low frequencies are moderate.

What does this means for people that are sensitive to fluctuations in energy?

That the enviroment is mildly challenging and that grounding energy is less easy.

Therefore working with crystal healing and magnetic pads would be more beneficial for the moment.

We will keep an update of what is happening in the geoelectric field.

Have a nice weekend!

Please subscribe to get updates once week

More Aquarians here


Psychic Intrusion

There has been a lot of chatter from people claiming they are being attacked by something.

Over the years I have explained to people that most of what is being claimed as such kind of situation is due to a combination of factors:

1) Our bodies generally speaking are in poor health due to excess time online. We all have to go online for all sorts of reasons but we also have to accept that technology has little vortexes which alter and affect our auric field. So using less media does help the auric field reboot. Also switching off all media at night and avoid sleeping in the same room where your router is.

2) The Aquarian have spent a lot of time clearing the remnants of the fifth planet that exploded in our solar system. Thus the level of psychic interference has diminished considerable and now we can communicate with our Universe. But please do use your common sense. Not every being is a benign being. No one can intrude into your auric field if you do not want them. You might want to make a declaration that you give no permission before going to bed.

3) There are lot of new agers that are feeling their lost of the grip on the attention of people as people come to the realisation their ideas are either half cooked and have no evidence or they are plain lies. Hence people that live from exploiting the credibility of others not only are starting to feel bad, they are loosing donations. They seem to be in a campaign of instilling fear and selling products.

4) Aliens can not come in to our planet in space ships because they will be affected by the Van Allen belt.

5) Fear is your worse enemy because it messes up your hormones and makes you feel hopeless. You aren't hopeless.

6) The best antidote to fear mongering is to be factual and ask for evidence. If there is no evidence you need to 'believe' and we know what 'believing' has done to the human race. Be assertive, be factual.

7) Lastly focus on what you want, how you want your life to be and how you can empower yourself.

Myself I have explored a lot of things and found most of these unproven ideas impractical

I myself do Aquarian crystal healing on myself everyday and have a crystal grid around my bed that helps me sleep more peaceful. We all have people around us in different levels of evolution but we are not responsible for their choices or discomforts derived from their own choices.

I also endeavour to go to natural spaces as much as possible. Nature re-balances your energy.

I hope this helps putting your mind at rest.

Please support my work by buying my crystals and ebooks. Thank you


Self Healed Goddess Quartz

From time to time we are lucky enough to get this rare type of crystal. They are a very rare combination which can be useful for anybody in this time of left brain thinking.

Much of the suffering we experience in our life is derived from being in our left brain all the time.

Yes is true our society seem to be geared towards left brain thinking. All is created and designed for that.

Left brain thinking is associated with logic but that concept is mistaken because logical thinking requires an evaluation of all issues related to the object of analysis.

Thinking with the left brain is only part of the spectrum of life. Understanding with your right brain is a much more refined sense of logic.

I could go on about the virtues of right brain thinking but the bottom line of working with a Goddess crystal is levelling upwards both sides of the brain.

This is what is called 'Genius' thinking but to be honest labels rarely convey the true meaning of things.

I call that real Cosmic Human thinking.

This crystal is also self healed at the bottom which means this is a crystal of discovering your highest potential and self healing yourself.

Link to crystal


Januart 1st 2018

Dear friends and universal family, many things have happened in the past year and many changes have been seen.
Personally I have been very busy working with the Aquarian Elvens from Sadabchia who have decided to activate the Aquarian Harmonic Anchor crystals to a higher level rather than give further healing techniques.

As you are aware we have published two Aquarian crystal healing e-books. One for the Astral Body and another for the Mental Body.

The Elvens from Sadabchia (Aquarian Harmonic Anchor) have said that you can use the same techniques suggested in the one for the Astral body to heal the Emotional body.

If you have been using these techniques for at least three months for the Astral body, you no longer need to do the breathing. If you haven't you will need the activation and the breathing in the ebook and to use the breathing technique for three months.

The other variation is your emotional body boundaries are 10 cm from the physical body up to 30 cm from the physical body.

Use technique for clearing and healing the emotional body and the second technique to replenish it using what they have called Ultra Cosmic frequency which is not visible to the human spectrum, instead of the colour suggested for the Astral body.

If you have Electromagnetic sensitivity you need to do the Astral body techniques first because you need to upgrade that part of your DNA to have a proper effect.

You can still use the Bubble of Recovery if you feel your future has blockages too.

The techniques in both books work very well. I have been using them plus the variation for the emotional body and had very fast progress since 2014 when the Aquarian energies came first.

The Aquarian techniques clear very quickly not only hooks, attachments, entities and so on but also outdated ideas. Equally they can clear negative emotions very quickly without the need to understand them and re-live experiences.

As these techniques leave no holes in the subtle bodies there is no risk to fill the voids that are created by removing a blockage with more negative energy.

If you do not have the first ebook already that is the one you need now. You will also need two Harmonic Anchor Aquarian crystals or one HA plus a Sidhe Aquarian or Ancha Aquarian. If you have not done the Aquarian Activation you can do it with any of this crystals not only the Albali now.

Please note I will not making any more newsletters for the moment so visit this site or join the Celtic Oracle page at Facebook.

If you consider how much money people spend in therapies that do not work (I have done it myself in the past) and how many things one is told one needs to have, the Aquarian healing system and DNA upgrade is an excellent value for money, it is safe and fast.

Here are the direct links

Astral Body upgrade and Humanity's Real History on ETSY -  ebook

Facebook Celtic Oracle Facebook Celtic Oracle

May you have a magical 2018