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Ogham Tree energies for 3rd to 9th April

Supporting energies: Quert or Apple reversed

Quert is one of the most magical trees in the Ogham alphabet. It is connected to the Isle of Avalon or the isle of Apples.

Apples being the food of the Gods in the Norse sagas are symbol of nourishment and health. Hence the old adage about apples: an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

But here we are dealing with something that is more like a poison apple. The poison has not been put there by the apple tree but by the way live is being lead in our contemporary environment. One can even refer to the way we are poisoning the water and the food which is given to us by the Earth to support us.

The support given here is to reconsider the way you are living. Is your life giving you what you desire? or are you going through the motions carried away by inertia, without a clear idea of what you really want in your life? Are you being as kind to the Earth and her creatures as you want others to be with you?

This week there is a great risk of getting ill or starting an illness. Contrary to what in modernity we see as a cause of illness, as a mere dysfunction of the physical body, in Celtic lore the focus was to prevent illness by keeping a healthy environment at all levels. In the Soul, Mind/emotions and body.

Thus the advise of Quert is to review your ways to attain better health and prevent illness and if you do get ill, seek the appropriate advise to get you back to your feet.

Because this omen has come just before a lunar eclipse, my feeling is that being healthy in the immediate future, or til the next eclipse, will be a bit of a challenge and will require structural changes in the way we live. Healthy living is not only about food and exercise, it requires a healthy auric field which is quite a challenge considering how much psychic, emotional and electromagnetic pollution humanity is putting out. 

Illness starts at the level of the Astral body, clearing the astral body is very important to sustain health in a consistent way.

The Challenge for this week: Onn or Ivy reversed

I know, two reversed omens in the same week. The challenge of Onn is to choose the right spiral by choosing right action. Right action is not the same as being "righteous". Right action is connected to being in harmony with the Natural Cosmic Laws.

Nothing is static, all is in movement at all times. Just like the planet, the Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy and so on. The Soul and Spirit are in movement too. Such movement follows the Helical pattern that can be expansive and upwards towards the light or, like Ivy does, it can constrain and asphyxiate.

If the place you are in life is closing down on you and you feel it is all to much, Onn urges you to reconsider why you are where you are and why you are doing what you are doing. Paying the bills is not a purpose in life, it is necessary but not a purpose. When the focus is on survival, life loses its charm and little by little the soul closes down. Life becomes dull and uninteresting. This is followed by some sort of chronic illness eventually. The way to turn around a situation like this is NOT to quit your job in the spur of the moment, because that will increase the problems but, to take time and consider your options. If you are in a position in which there is little choice at the moment, get a hobby, do something that inspires you and renews you. It does not need to be expensive, sometimes a walk by the beach or in a park can make a huge difference.

When the inspiration comes back, you will be in a better position to decide how to make a living and have fun while you do that.

As mentioned before, the undertones of this reading will show on a off until the next Lunar eclipse.

May you be blessed
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