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Ogham Tree enegies for 27th March to 2nd April

Supporting aspects: Nuin or Ash reversed

Nuin is the tree of the bigger picture, big ideas and transcendental change. The teacher that comes and kindly requests that we look again at the direction we are taking.

When Nuin comes reversed it signals events in the outer world that will create a fundamental change in the way we perceive reality. That can be a good thing or not depending on how we respond.

Or in other words, this week will offer us possibilities to embrace change and find different explanations for the obstacles or disappointments we may find in our way.

A full on week with the possibility of reaching higher awareness.

A tricky one too. Choosing to hold on the status quo will be very hard. Choosing to listen to the Cosmos on the other hand and be willing to change ways of doing things will feel uplifting.

We are all in this together, thus your efforts even if may seem small count. If many people individually say no to something they consider unfair things change.

Your intent is priceless, anything can happen when focus intent is applied.

Ask yourself what is your intent this week and ask again whether such intent deserve the lofty vision Nuin has. Is it cosmic enough? is it embracing enough? if yes you are for sure in the right track.

Opportunities for growth: Onn or Gorse

Gorse is in full flower in this moment offering their bright yellow colour and delicate perfume. If you live near a natural place in the UK, or if you drive, you are sure to see it. Spare a moment (safely if you are driving) to connect with Gorse and get its guidance.

Gorse is indispensable to wildlife in the winter and one of the first flowers to come out and support bees with its sweet nectar.

The message of gorse for this week is simple, learn how to live without hoarding. Connect to Mother Earth and realize that if you are in tune with her you will always find your way to safety and plenty without hurting other life forms.

Message from the Aquarian Elven

Dear Friends, we are pleased to confirm the 1st activation has been fully anchored in the energy grids of Mother Earth. Those of you that are sensitive may be feeling the magic despite the turbulence in your outer world.

Full remote 1st DNA activations are still available until the 1st of May here

Short remote 1st DNA simplified activations are available here

The next DNA live activation will be the 20th September in a venue in East Sussex. In this activation we will complete the upgrading of the Astral body and gift you with the ideas trees have that can help us shift your perspective of life. There will be also planetary grid work. If you can not attend in person, you can connect with us remotely too.

The interchange of energy for the live workshop is £95 per person to cover costs. Please email us via our facebook page   if you are interested in reserving a place as the previous workshop was sold out.

Two Aspens...magical Faerie portal...where will it lead you?

Buy magic crystals and handmade pendants here 

Personal Psychic Ogham readings here


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