Supporting energies: Luis or Rowan
One of my favourite trees! Known in many places as mountain ash, never grows very big but it has such a strong nurturing energy, not very common where I live. When I started my Druid studies, I remember going on a quest to find it as it is the 2nd tree of the Alphabet. I did find some in several unexpected locations, since then I visit them regularly to seek their inspiration.
Luis tells us this week is very good for discernment. We live in a world where truth is normally "bend" to serve the purpose of pressure groups interested in their own profits and not the common good. Indeed, the common good is something very few think about.
This week will be a good week to "weed" out connections, ideas, programs, facebook friends, etc that no longer resonate and only want you to agree with them, never interested in you but into pushing their own ideas. If you honestly feel strongly about something, be brave and disagree...if the person on the other side "unfriends" you, it means that they were not your friends truly and wanted you as a follower and not as a "discerning" being.
As you separate what is real and what is not, you will find that you have much more time to fulfil your soul's quest.
"Seek truth, seek quality and avoid following the herd" in the mantra Luis give us this week.
You will be wiser at the end and feel more in peace as connections, even superficial, do take part of your soul's energy.
It is also a good week for self nurturing at a Soul level with meaningful actions like going to outdoor spaces and engaging with nature.
This week's challenge: Gort or Ivy reversed
Pretty much the same undercurrents we went through last week, and what a week it was!
If your intent is to go to into the next upwards turn of the spiral it is important to get into true cosmic alignment.
There is a lot out there that calls itself "Cosmic" but it is not. "The proof of the pudding is on the eating" if you have been practising a set routine that others have told you is "spiritual" yet, you are still stuck in the same self destructive loop, feeling the same, having the same physical issues, having the same material is time to face it an accept that it is not the right path for you.
A spiritual path that works brings true change at all levels. It is paced so it does not destabilize your life for growth is a joyful experience when done correctly. It does not make you ill and in need of purging. And it is simple and devoid of "mumbo jumbo" and ideas impossible to comprehend.
Have a ponder
May you be blessed
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