Positive aspects: Luis or Rowan (mountain Ash)
Luis has a very interesting dryad that can guide you through the maze of confusion created by information overload fostering a discerning mind and clear common sense.
This means that this week there will be much to discern but, the good news are that having the energy of Rowan around and connecting with such frequency can help us to take the right choices rather than fall into the trap of delusion or self delusion.
Modern media is very convenient and helpful in many ways. But, it has also allowed the proliferation of ideas that are not helpful and can create a great deal of negative emotions like hopelessness, confusion, sadness, fear and so on. Disinformation can apply to all sorts of sources hence, calling upon the Luis dryad to help us protect ourselves from "enchantment" (mind control) while at the same time we are able to have the ability to distinguish bad from good.
Not all that sounds positive is good and not all that sounds negative is bad. A big conundrum to ponder upon. In our pleasure hungry world choosing instant rewards lead to serious pitfalls.
There are a lot of good things out there, yet there are plenty deceiving ideas too.
Thus this week true discernment will be supported while choosing not to discern may carry negative consequences in the future.
"Truth will always support me but it is my responsibility to discern and choose wisely"
Challenging aspect: Beith or Birch
When Beith is in leaf it is clear sign Summer is almost here. Beith is the tree of new beginings, new ideas and going forward.
Because it is in its negative aspect it means that this week will be challenging for creativity, new beginnings, starting new enterprises or projects and even spring cleaning.
The best approach to this week is to keep running as they are and use the time to plan for the future. We might encounter trying situations at all levels hence it is a good opportunity to use discernment and to be patient.
Disruption in communications and transport are possible so have contingency plans at the ready or if all goes wrong go for a cuppa at your favourite place. Forcing will not work.
Prioritize, discern and have contingency plans...and relax!
Being aligned with tree energies always works
Faerie Blessings
From the Faerie Cosmic Mists
Celtic Oracle
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