Positive aspects: Ngetal or Reed reversed
I love seeing the wavy movement of reeds on ponds and channels, one of the magical things that happen in the Summer.
Ngetal is considered the few of the scribe, thus its action always apply to practical matters.
Ngetal tell us this week things that will affect our future in a significant way will be up and that we need to take action in the direction we see is the wisest for the future.
The issues at play are global and will affect many generations to come thus it is in our own interest, and interest of our descendants that we either make a wise choice or show openly our dissent.
Through out the ages humanity has been confronted with similar pivotal moments. What was the decision of our forefathers is what we are living today.
Do you think we are living the best way, the wisest way we can? Ask yourself, do you think our social agreement is fair? Could we do better?
Humanity is embarking on a journey where what it is in this moment will become much more restricted. This is a time where it is important each of one of us expresses their voice for or against what is going to befall us.
Thus it is a week to do what you can to support your wisest choice.
Challenging aspects: Luis or Rowan reversed
Luis is the tree of protection "against enchantment". In our days most people do not believe they can persuaded to believe things that are against their own human rights and interests...
Yet people can find themselves doing things that later they question.
This is because we rarely have access to the raw facts. Without all the angles of a situation it is very difficult indeed to make a wise decision.
Thus, because Luis has been drawn reversed there is a great risk that deception is brewing.
Whatever you do this week, if you need to choose, look hard and be quizzical in all that you see or read.
If you are engaged on legal and financial matters this week, read the small print.
This is a second week in a row that Luis have come forth. I would not take Luis advise lightly.
May you be blessed
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