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A Clarification from Gregory on the 30/5/15 post regarding Freedom

Gregory has asked me to tell you this:

The description given in the post of the 30/5/15 corresponds to the Humaian  part of humanity that has kept their DNA separated as much as possible from the collective.

There is also another group of people that has their genetics altered since the times of Atlantis and another group that have undergone genetic alterations in the past hundred years when the secrets of such technology were revived.

Such technology was found in archaeological sites that have never been made public. Archeology is quite new, it started in earnest in the 18th Century. Those that rule knew and know how to interpret things, such knowledge has never been made public.

The rest of humanity, which the great majority of the population on Earth is, have the choice to join the Sidhe or to go back as undeveloped consciousness to the pool of consciousness available at the core of the Milky Way galaxy, or the Hair of the Goddess as we call it.

It requires that people engage true alignment and discard the false structure they have been feed for many millennia.

Some people are more attuned to others which is why DNA healing and techniques are being provided by the Aquarians in order to accelerate the realignment.

Others are capable to make a leap by working with specific crystals, the elemental of plant kingdom and the spirits of animals or totem animals.

Realignment with truth is fundamental to the healing of the DNA. This is because the DNA is like the processor of a computer but much more sophisticated. If the DNA is being fed untruths, it can not connect to the web of life. If a person can not connect to the web of life, they can not receive directly the DNA upgrades that are necessary to keep the expansion of consciousness.

For ultimately the intention this Universe has is to grow, and growth only happens when the consciousness expands.

One could say that it is like a big orb with a core center and many other orbs inside in different levels of development.

Just like stars, some are more powerful than others independently of their size. Like modern processors vs old main frame computers. Many of you would not even remember the old computers thus an old computer would have needed a building to store the data you now carry in your pocket phone.

It is not a matter of size but of quality of energy.

Sad to say but truth is rarely found in your education system which is slave to institutionalgreed.

 By now, I am sure you are clear regarding to which group you belong.

While there are some within the rulers group that can sincerely change, that is a heroic action because it would take significant amount of dedication, effort and DNA healing.

For the rest, the DNA healing that is being already offered through the Aquarian Elven will be enough as well as embracing the information about the rules of magic that are so simple in Humanity's real history.

Work with the Aquarian and Sidhe crystals, they have been specially programmed to assist you. In the near future journeys will be offered to help you engage with the Devas of the plant kingdom and to find your totem animals.

This window until 2017 is very important. Give priority to your Soul and Spirit

Until the next time


Translated by Tove Gambetta

Copyright Tove Gambetta, all rights reserved

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