Perhaps not all peoples are aware of this program being broadcasted by the BBC on Sunday nights.
Yet I think it is a brilliant opportunity to discuss and shed light on what magic is not.
I am not going to go into detail and point out bit by bit what is not magic, or what might be considered as black magic or service to the ego magic. Such selfishness always fails and have great and dreadful consequences. What I am going to do is just go through the most important facts.
First we have Mr. Norrell resuscitating a woman of position to get attention and the personal support he wanted in relation with the powers at that time.
Mr Norrell wanted to use magic to assist the war effort against Napoleon as the plot goes.
Ok, what is wrong with these to events:
- Error No1 .- The Lady in question was not asked whether she wanted to be resuscitated which is a significant violation of free will.
-Error No2 .- Mr Norrell, not having enough magic to do the deed conjures an alleged Fairy.
-Error No3.- The pride of Mr Norrell leads him to accept a bargain with the Fairy which he had no right to have.
-Error No4.- By conjuring the alleged Fairy (who only exist in the imagination of people and Fairy tales) he opened an avenue that had been closed for hundreds of years allegedly too.
-Error No5.- Conjuring what a person does not understand and breaking free will laws is very serious and derive fatal consequences.
Further down the plot, another magician appears called Jonathan Strange that goes into become Mr. Norrell apprentice.
Such apprentice is sent to fight with Wellington the Napoleonic War and of course they win. Only the problem here is that real magic would never be used to kill other beings. We the Sidhe would never even consider be part of any side. War is wrong, it is born out of pride and greed which are issues of a very devolved nature and do not pertain to the level of evolved souls.
Self defense is permitted but only as self defense. Not as a defense of a kingdom or other people. In the free Universe there are no Kingdoms. Harmony and Kingdoms are quite opposite concepts.
There are other nuances throughout the plot where many violations of free will occur to satisfy the pride and "prestige" of Mr. Norrell and also the lust for information and special powers of Mr. Strange.
Such pursuits lead to catastrophic events which are logical consequence of the transgressions on free will of others.
If you see things from the perspective that magic is life force, all violations of life force conclude with bad karma that manifests as suffering.
Such tales can be quite useful to exercise discernment thus it will be a fun exercise for you to write what you think violated free will and why. It will assist you in never making such mistakes yourself and save a lot of time and karma.
Happy pondering
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The magic voice of the Trees for 26th June to 2nd July
Positive aspects: Ngetal or Reed reversed
I love seeing the wavy movement of reeds on ponds and channels, one of the magical things that happen in the Summer.
Ngetal is considered the few of the scribe, thus its action always apply to practical matters.
Ngetal tell us this week things that will affect our future in a significant way will be up and that we need to take action in the direction we see is the wisest for the future.
The issues at play are global and will affect many generations to come thus it is in our own interest, and interest of our descendants that we either make a wise choice or show openly our dissent.
Through out the ages humanity has been confronted with similar pivotal moments. What was the decision of our forefathers is what we are living today.
Do you think we are living the best way, the wisest way we can? Ask yourself, do you think our social agreement is fair? Could we do better?
Humanity is embarking on a journey where what it is in this moment will become much more restricted. This is a time where it is important each of one of us expresses their voice for or against what is going to befall us.
Thus it is a week to do what you can to support your wisest choice.
Challenging aspects: Luis or Rowan reversed
Luis is the tree of protection "against enchantment". In our days most people do not believe they can persuaded to believe things that are against their own human rights and interests...
Yet people can find themselves doing things that later they question.
This is because we rarely have access to the raw facts. Without all the angles of a situation it is very difficult indeed to make a wise decision.
Thus, because Luis has been drawn reversed there is a great risk that deception is brewing.
Whatever you do this week, if you need to choose, look hard and be quizzical in all that you see or read.
If you are engaged on legal and financial matters this week, read the small print.
This is a second week in a row that Luis have come forth. I would not take Luis advise lightly.
May you be blessed
If you are interested in a personal or corporate reading, press here to go to the personal readings section of our ETSY shop
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The magic voice of the Trees for the Summer Solstice until the 1st of August
Midsummer is upon us. In Britain is this Sunday 21st at 5:39 pm BST
And what a joy it is to be part of the longest day of the year!
Because it is one of the times where the veils and the mists of EnSidhe thin, the inspiration and energy of this reading will be an underlying current for the next 6 weeks until the 1st of August. So, print a copy of this reading and keep it handy for when you feel you need grounding.
And what a joy it is to be part of the longest day of the year!
Because it is one of the times where the veils and the mists of EnSidhe thin, the inspiration and energy of this reading will be an underlying current for the next 6 weeks until the 1st of August. So, print a copy of this reading and keep it handy for when you feel you need grounding.
Positive aspects: Onn or Gorse reversed
I love gorse myself, one of the first flowers to appear in the winter, often between the end of January and the beginning of February. Their yellow flowers adorn the baron landscapes and provide much needed nurturing to early awakening insects and Queen bees.
But because the few has been drawn reversed within the context of a general reading this means that there will be many things on offer which will be attractive but might have bad consequences in the future.
Onn is saying to question what is on offer for not all that shines is gold. To examine in detail in political, financial and job offers. To read the small print and put aside the flattering words that bump up the ego while lowering our access to our intuition.
Onn also says that this is not a good period for showing off prowess, it might be best to avoid "thorny" situations all together. Avoidance is not weakness, is wisdom. For what is the use to enter into confrontation with those that will not listen anyway? Or worse if it is a physical fight, there is not point on violence,
Challenges: Luis or Rowan
Luis says that as the energetic configuration of the solar system changes, it is in our interest to be ruthless and weed out negative influences from our life.
Who does not know a sob sister or a perennial victim that complains relentlessly of how bad their life is and never does anything to change their circumstances?
While we all might have been victimized at one time or another in our life, such situations arise due to lack of wisdom. And yes wisdom is a scarce commodity that does not get taught in schools anymore. It is the school of life that show us what is wise but most of us learn. Yet there is a small amount that chooses not to because it is easy to complain than to act.
At times there are situations that one can only do so much, hence that is the wisdom. Do what it is in your hands to do without getting ruffled and move on. You will get much more from such attitude that being angry. Remember magic follow feelings.
Thus this is a period where we will compelled to cut of the weeds in our life, the parasites that feed from us and give nothing in return. And that is a good thing, we do not need parasites, we need collaborators that play in an equal level field with us.
Those of a sensitive nature should pay good attention to this advise because they are prey upon by those that identify their good nature and their desire to be of use to human kind. We are not here to solve the problems of others but to be the strong light that guides without taking on the dirty washing of others.
Luis insists that it is a good idea for any good intended being to have a protection ritual that they will do every day. I must say that since I followed this advise my life has run smoother than otherwise. Consider what is true psychic, mental and emotional protection and whether your routine is too open to the intrusion of obnoxious brain washing that leads to sadness and powerlessness.
The magic within will never fail you.
May you have a blessed Midsumer, Litha or Alban Hefir in the light of the longest day of the year
This is an ideal time for personal readings. If you are interested we offer different possibilities, press here to go to the personal readings section
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The Choice - a message from Gregory Silverlight
Instead of a reading this week, I am passing forth a message from Gregory
Have a wonderful week!
May you be blessed
Short tree meditation
This is a FREE tree meditation, courtesy of Celtic Oracle
It is a short meditation so it can be done anywhere
any time
All that you have to do is watch the leaves of the trees with all your attention
Let the changing leaves switch of the stress you are carrying
Immerse yourself in the movement of the leaves
Hear the song of the birds
You can play this short clip again and again
Try to identify the sounds
Feel the warmth
is it winter?
is it summer?
put yourself in the place
A Clarification from Gregory on the 30/5/15 post regarding Freedom
Gregory has asked me to tell you this:
The description given in the post of the 30/5/15 corresponds to the Humaian part of humanity that has kept their DNA separated as much as possible from the collective.
There is also another group of people that has their genetics altered since the times of Atlantis and another group that have undergone genetic alterations in the past hundred years when the secrets of such technology were revived.
Such technology was found in archaeological sites that have never been made public. Archeology is quite new, it started in earnest in the 18th Century. Those that rule knew and know how to interpret things, such knowledge has never been made public.
The rest of humanity, which the great majority of the population on Earth is, have the choice to join the Sidhe or to go back as undeveloped consciousness to the pool of consciousness available at the core of the Milky Way galaxy, or the Hair of the Goddess as we call it.
It requires that people engage true alignment and discard the false structure they have been feed for many millennia.
Some people are more attuned to others which is why DNA healing and techniques are being provided by the Aquarians in order to accelerate the realignment.
Others are capable to make a leap by working with specific crystals, the elemental of plant kingdom and the spirits of animals or totem animals.
Realignment with truth is fundamental to the healing of the DNA. This is because the DNA is like the processor of a computer but much more sophisticated. If the DNA is being fed untruths, it can not connect to the web of life. If a person can not connect to the web of life, they can not receive directly the DNA upgrades that are necessary to keep the expansion of consciousness.
For ultimately the intention this Universe has is to grow, and growth only happens when the consciousness expands.
One could say that it is like a big orb with a core center and many other orbs inside in different levels of development.
Just like stars, some are more powerful than others independently of their size. Like modern processors vs old main frame computers. Many of you would not even remember the old computers thus an old computer would have needed a building to store the data you now carry in your pocket phone.
It is not a matter of size but of quality of energy.
Sad to say but truth is rarely found in your education system which is slave to institutionalgreed.
By now, I am sure you are clear regarding to which group you belong.
While there are some within the rulers group that can sincerely change, that is a heroic action because it would take significant amount of dedication, effort and DNA healing.
For the rest, the DNA healing that is being already offered through the Aquarian Elven will be enough as well as embracing the information about the rules of magic that are so simple in Humanity's real history.
Work with the Aquarian and Sidhe crystals, they have been specially programmed to assist you. In the near future journeys will be offered to help you engage with the Devas of the plant kingdom and to find your totem animals.
This window until 2017 is very important. Give priority to your Soul and Spirit
Until the next time
Translated by Tove Gambetta
Copyright Tove Gambetta, all rights reserved
The description given in the post of the 30/5/15 corresponds to the Humaian part of humanity that has kept their DNA separated as much as possible from the collective.
There is also another group of people that has their genetics altered since the times of Atlantis and another group that have undergone genetic alterations in the past hundred years when the secrets of such technology were revived.
Such technology was found in archaeological sites that have never been made public. Archeology is quite new, it started in earnest in the 18th Century. Those that rule knew and know how to interpret things, such knowledge has never been made public.
The rest of humanity, which the great majority of the population on Earth is, have the choice to join the Sidhe or to go back as undeveloped consciousness to the pool of consciousness available at the core of the Milky Way galaxy, or the Hair of the Goddess as we call it.
It requires that people engage true alignment and discard the false structure they have been feed for many millennia.
Some people are more attuned to others which is why DNA healing and techniques are being provided by the Aquarians in order to accelerate the realignment.
Others are capable to make a leap by working with specific crystals, the elemental of plant kingdom and the spirits of animals or totem animals.
Realignment with truth is fundamental to the healing of the DNA. This is because the DNA is like the processor of a computer but much more sophisticated. If the DNA is being fed untruths, it can not connect to the web of life. If a person can not connect to the web of life, they can not receive directly the DNA upgrades that are necessary to keep the expansion of consciousness.
For ultimately the intention this Universe has is to grow, and growth only happens when the consciousness expands.
One could say that it is like a big orb with a core center and many other orbs inside in different levels of development.
Just like stars, some are more powerful than others independently of their size. Like modern processors vs old main frame computers. Many of you would not even remember the old computers thus an old computer would have needed a building to store the data you now carry in your pocket phone.
It is not a matter of size but of quality of energy.
Sad to say but truth is rarely found in your education system which is slave to institutionalgreed.
By now, I am sure you are clear regarding to which group you belong.
While there are some within the rulers group that can sincerely change, that is a heroic action because it would take significant amount of dedication, effort and DNA healing.
For the rest, the DNA healing that is being already offered through the Aquarian Elven will be enough as well as embracing the information about the rules of magic that are so simple in Humanity's real history.
Work with the Aquarian and Sidhe crystals, they have been specially programmed to assist you. In the near future journeys will be offered to help you engage with the Devas of the plant kingdom and to find your totem animals.
This window until 2017 is very important. Give priority to your Soul and Spirit
Until the next time
Translated by Tove Gambetta
Copyright Tove Gambetta, all rights reserved
How to connect with Mother Nature, the easy way
Many people have asked me how to reconnect to nature. We used to know how when we were children but after going through the school system most of us have forgotten.
I always loved trees and nature but it took me to engage with a druid course to re-learn something that should be easy.
Hence this video I made today while I was doing one of my weekly walks. This time in the wooded area of the Alexandra Park, Hastings
It is actually fun once you get going looking at everything with awe as you did when you were a child.
I always loved trees and nature but it took me to engage with a druid course to re-learn something that should be easy.
Hence this video I made today while I was doing one of my weekly walks. This time in the wooded area of the Alexandra Park, Hastings
It is actually fun once you get going looking at everything with awe as you did when you were a child.
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