Aquarian Elven - The year of the Mind
February 24, 2016
Tove Gambetta
Dear Friends and Family
We are the Aquarian Elven. Up until now you have been working to strengthen your astral body, your body of fire, in order to be able to withstand what will follow in these coming three years.
By years we mean the time from the spring equinox to the next spring equinox as we started delivering the healing techniques and energies last year in March.
The Aquarian Albali are still working in supporting your endeavours with your Astral body and will continue to support those people that decide they want to align with the energies of Aquarius and use these new information that is being given to you in order to assist you making the leap from the age of Piscis to the age of Aquarius.
If only this was an age only what you are leaping into it will be much easier but in this opportunity you are leaping into a new grand cycle too.
Thus, if you have not starting to prepare for yet more incoming energies we suggest you do so as soon as possible with the Aquarian crystals and techniques because what follows will be more evident in your reality and much more challenging.
The Aquarian Skat from such star system have been online with our correspondent and secretary for some week now in order to smooth over the energy and deliver the techniques that will assist you from the Spring Equinox onwards.
This year the work will focus on the mental body. This means that a lot of mental constructs will loose energetic support.
Thus mental change will be easier for those that are prepared. In the same way you might find that not healing your mental body might present the following unpleasant exteriorizations:
Mental challenges
-Looping thoughts
-Fearful thoughts
-A sense of being lost
-Lack of direction
And similar mental dysfunctions
Emotional challenges
-Roller coaster feeling that go from one extreme to the other
-Sense of loss
And similar
-Wind related conditions
-Shallow breathing
-Non physical tinitus but the ringing of sounds
-Ear inflammations
-Digestive problems
-Back pain
-Tightness in the stomach
And other similar
These sympthons are not sympthoms of what you have come to call ascension. There is not such thing as ascension with your physical body.
Yet all this unpleasantness dcan be avoided or minimize. We are providing in the near future the techniques that will assist you to do so and also another book that will be provided by the Sidhe on the Three Rules of Magic.
The book that corresponds to the Astral body is available to buy through the links here (see books) in many places as e-book or as a PDF in ETSY
We had hope that by now more people will have the awareness and the mental stability that is required when receiving more cosmic energy but it is not the case on Earth.
Thus it will be an interesting year, the year of the monkey mind that will indeed be volatile.
If you decide to stay as you are at least think before you react for it will minimize the bad consequences of your reactions that can be destructive as fire, particularly if you are ungrounded and being pull from one extreme of thought to the other.
Needles to say that there is no previous experience in your world of what is to be this year for something like this has not been experienced for millions of years.
Soon after the activation of the mental body Aquarian patterns the book with the techniques will be released. They are intended to help you soothe your mental body and keep pace with the rapid change your mental body will experience.
It will also contain suggestions on life style, foods and activities which will help you integrate the entering more fully into Aquarius.
There is nothing we can do to stop the cosmic clock that was set in movement aeons ago other than give you the advise we are giving.
This is the same information that is being given to all the worlds that are affected by this waves of energies.
We want to emphasise that a lot of erroneous mental constructs will fail and that you should endeavour to practice right thinking and be in harmony with the Universal Mind.
In the Cosmos there are no gods or goddesses because we are all equal. Becoming a cosmic being is not that difficult. You just have to follow the three rules of magic that are in this link and will be elaborated in more detail by the Sidhe in a book to be published in the near future.
Until the next time
The Aquarian Elven
You can find the Three Rules of Magic here!humanity-s-real-history/tyxzz
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