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Psychic Attacks, no, you are not having one

I am writing this quick post because many people have asked me what is going on.

Earth is quite active and the Sun is sending us a lot of fast moving solar wind.

How does that affect you?

Many people have their energetic field in less than tip top condition due to lack of contact with nature.

Nature is a great balancer and nourishes of our energetic bodies.

I am not going to enter into great detail presently but suffice to say that, unless you suffer from an specific condition already diagnosed, these symptoms can be caused by electromagnetic storms and earthquake swarms like we had yesterday in the Solomon Islands:

Erratic palpitations
Pain in legs and lower body
Sense of disorientation
Fuzzy head
Memory glitches
Lack of energy
Disturbed sleep and nightmares
Teeth pain
Tight stomach
Stomach cramps.
And similar

They are all caused by an energetic system that is not working properly.

Psychic attacks are rare.

I will try to elaborate in the new year more about this but for now what I will suggest is work with your crystals, make time to go to nature, eat light natural meals and drink clean water.

It will pass in few days

If you do have medical conditions your doctor should know what to do.


The First Rule of Magic - Published at last!

This is the First Rule of Magic as promised by the Sidhe. A very comprehensive explanation what they mean by being self responsible and why we find it so difficult to make the material world  to work for us.

As mentioned in Humanity's Real History, the Universe is magic and accessing this magic is our birthright.

This ebook opens the door to a journey of self discovering that leads to the possibility of self reliance by assisting us to overcome in a logical and straight forward way the most common challenges that affect our lives and stop us from attaining among others:

Inner Peace
Self love
Natural abundance and prosperity
Self acceptance
Joy of being alive
Deep connection with nature
Overcoming victim consciousness
A life full of magic

This is a very comprehensive ebook that will help you change for the better if that is what you desire.

31 A4 pages full of insights in PDF format.

It took me one year to write because working with the Sidhe requires sharing their world in a shamanic way thus, it is a laborious to translate into words what has been conveyed to me in the many shamanic journeys I had to undertake.

It has certainly changed my life.

There is a lot of food for thought and handy tips.

The other two Rules:

-Harmlessness and
-Balanced interchange of energy

Will be published in the future as soon as it is possible.

Enjoy your journey through the perspective of the Sidhe (some call them Fairies)

Instant download at ETSY


 Skat Aquarian Elvens

16 August 2016, Full Moon on Aquarius

Dear friends and family

We wanted to get in touch because there are many things happening in your apparent reality that are dropping your frequency, and preventing you from benefiting from the joyous and cosmic energies coming from Aquarius.

While a level of disruption is natural as the veils of delusion drop from your consciousness, it is not that the events that are happening are new, but that your way of communicating has changed and speed up considerably in few short years.

Wars, terrorism and unfairness have been in your reality since the beginning of your current civilisation.

A pyramidal structured government will always be unfair, it is in its nature.

The only way to over ride such constructs is to become self responsible in all areas of your life.

But going back to the unpleasant events you are focusing, we ask you to be objective and ignore the media hype.

Petty crime is very old, as old as it is anarchism.

Anarchism is trying to change things by violence, which leads to more violence and resolves nothing for the change needs to be inside and not outside.

Those that are obsessed with making the outer world conform with their vision are missing the point. People can not be forced to conform by forcing them to adopt restrictions.

The only real change happens in the hearts and minds of people, and such thing can only be attained by people individually choosing to do so.

The age of Pisces is at an end. Patriarchy and those that adopted such unfair way of behaviour do not want to let go of the power it conferred to them but it is only a matter of time until these constructs fail for the Age of Aquarius is a coming of age for those humans that chosen so; a time to become the cosmic beings you were born to be.

So we ask you to avoid engaging in the hype and focus on the growth of your consciousness by tearing the layers of victim hood that all humans carry.

No one denies the wrong that your people have been engaged on through out time. You all have been victims and victimisers in different times. You all know that the victim becomes the victimisers and the problem does not get resolved.

It is time to let go the pointing of fingers. It is time of taking stock and accepting your own personal shortcomings, and adopting cosmic attitudes that are in co-resonance with the Three Rules of Magic, which are the only rules the Cosmos recognise.

That is:
First Self Response-ability
Second Harmlessness
Third fair interchange of energy

Do not participate in the hype, focus instead on the beauty of nature and the stars.

What you are experiencing through the acceleration of your social media is just more of the same imbalance that has plagued you kin since its beginning but got accelerated in the age of Pisces.

The end of the age of Pisces is the end of a turn through the signs. But you are also experiencing the end of a Galactic Year. This in short means a change in the frequencies of the Galaxy which are being heralded by Aquarius.

To better understand what is happening, you just need to look back at the history of your civilisation
and you will see that wars only created more wars and misery.

Violence, aggression towards others or nature is never the answer. The only permitted violence towards another being is personal self defence, when your own life is at peril. This is not the same as destroying others because they have different points of view than yours, or because doing so will give you power or wealth.

The nanny State is and idea that does not work and will never work. You do not need leaders, you need to take responsibility at a personal level, and live in harmony with the planet.

We have passed on two new healing techniques that are available for free to those that got the 'Aquarian Crystal Mental Body Healing' ebook. They are specially important for the stability of the nervous system and for attaining peace and strength in times of chaos. If you have got the ebook please email Tove so she can email you the techniques.

Be the eye of the storm rather that part of the storm. This is the commitment your soul made prior to your incarnation and this is the time to fulfil it.

Until the next time

Your Aquarian Family



Ogham Reading for 30th March til 5ft April

Ogham few for one week until the 5th of April

Gort or Ivy

Well, we know that presently things are not plain sailing. We have planetary challenges. A lot of people are experiencing health and well-being challenges.

Gort says that this is because we are in a time of transformation from a base condition to a higher state. This is not an automatic transformation but the kind of transformation that requires skill and hard won beauty and value.

Gort says that to sail this week with favourable winds vision and direction are necessary. For not all visions will take you to where your soul wants to go.

This is a good week to re-think and re-evaluate what you are doing and be honest with yourself in determining whether you are truly following your path or following other people because it gives you the feeling of belonging.

Belonging and the hero journey never go together.

Finally I have decided to report on Cosmic Energies when something significant happens. 
For now, all is the same and most of the physical discomforts people are experiences are coming from man made scalar waves as I have explained in previous posts and, the challenge of tuning in into cosmic energies that are not connecting easily to the DNA. Some people are connecting but the great majority isn't the Aquarians tell me.

If you are interested in a personal reading follow this link 


Aquarian Skat pre activation - March 11 2016

Dear friends and family of light

Just a quick note to pass on the information regarding the pre-activation that happened this morning.

Some of you, the more tuned up will have felt something more powerful than any spontaneous kundalini activation.

This is because this year we are working with the mental body which in turn expresses itself through the nervous system.

Just focus on your spine and let the energy flow.

It is not clear for me just yet whether the energy will continue to come in rapid burst like this morning or there will be a more intense activation later.

How the energy travel through the cosmos and is modulated by the Aquarian Skat Elven is no something I can understand in my present small body.

But, I did remember this morning that the same was done in the Andromeda Galaxy when we were going through a similar healing process.

Work with your Aquarian crystals, they will assist you modulating the energy in your nervous system particularly the Aquarian Skat ones.

While intense this activation was very pleasant and I feel quite settled and happy.

I will endeavour to put out in a book all the information I have received from the Skat Elve as soon as possible.

May you succeed in all your endeavours



Working with the Aquarian Elven

I have posted a new blog explaining my experience with the Aquarian Elven here

Hope you enjoy it!


Aquarian Elven - The year of the Mind
February 24, 2016
Tove Gambetta
Dear Friends and Family

We are the Aquarian Elven. Up until now you have been working to strengthen your astral body, your body of fire, in order to be able to withstand what will follow in these coming three years.

By years we mean the time from the spring equinox to the next spring equinox as we started delivering the healing techniques and energies last year in March.

The Aquarian Albali are still working in supporting your endeavours with your Astral body and will continue to support those people that decide they want to align with the energies of Aquarius and use these new information that is being given to you in order to assist you making the leap from the age of Piscis to the age of Aquarius.

If only this was an age only what you are leaping into it will be much easier but in this opportunity you are leaping into a new grand cycle too.

Thus, if you have not starting to prepare for yet more incoming energies we suggest you do so as soon as possible with the Aquarian crystals and techniques because what follows will be more evident in your reality and much more challenging.

The Aquarian Skat from such star system have been online with our correspondent and secretary for some week now in order to smooth over the energy and deliver the techniques that will assist you from the Spring Equinox onwards.

This year the work will focus on the mental body. This means that a lot of mental constructs will loose energetic support.

Thus mental change will be easier for those that are prepared. In the same way you might find that not healing your mental body might present the following unpleasant exteriorizations:

Mental challenges
-Looping thoughts 
-Fearful thoughts
-A sense of being lost
-Lack of direction 
And similar mental dysfunctions

Emotional challenges
-Roller coaster feeling that go from one extreme to the other
-Sense of loss
And similar

-Wind related conditions 
-Shallow breathing
-Non physical tinitus but the ringing of sounds
-Ear inflammations
-Digestive problems
-Back pain
-Tightness in the stomach
And other similar

These sympthons are not sympthoms of what you have come to call ascension. There is not such thing as ascension with your physical body. 

Yet all this unpleasantness dcan be avoided or minimize. We are providing in the near future the techniques that will assist you to do so and also another book that will be provided by the Sidhe on the Three Rules of Magic.

The book that corresponds to the Astral body is available to buy through the links here (see books) in many places as e-book or as a PDF in ETSY
We had hope that by now more people will have the awareness and the mental stability that is required when receiving more cosmic energy but it is not the case on Earth.
Thus it will be an interesting year, the year of the monkey mind that will indeed be volatile.

If you decide to stay as you are at least think before you react for it will minimize the bad consequences of your reactions that can be destructive as fire, particularly if you are ungrounded and being pull from one extreme of thought to the other.

Needles to say that there is no previous experience in your world of what is to be this year for something like this has not been experienced for millions of years.

Soon after the activation of the mental body Aquarian patterns the book with the techniques will be released. They are intended to help you soothe your mental body and keep pace with the rapid change your mental body will experience.

It will also contain suggestions on life style, foods and activities which will help you integrate the entering more fully into Aquarius.

There is nothing we can do to stop the cosmic clock that was set in movement aeons ago other than give you the advise we are giving.

This is the same information that is being given to all the worlds that are affected by this waves of energies.

We want to emphasise that a lot of erroneous mental constructs will fail and that you should endeavour to practice right thinking and be in harmony with the Universal Mind.

In the Cosmos there are no gods or goddesses because we are all equal. Becoming a cosmic being is not that difficult. You just have to follow the three rules of magic that are in this link and will be elaborated in more detail by the Sidhe in a book to be published in the near future.

Until the next time

The Aquarian Elven 

You can find the Three Rules of Magic here!humanity-s-real-history/tyxzz