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Ogham Reading for 30th March til 5ft April

Ogham few for one week until the 5th of April

Gort or Ivy

Well, we know that presently things are not plain sailing. We have planetary challenges. A lot of people are experiencing health and well-being challenges.

Gort says that this is because we are in a time of transformation from a base condition to a higher state. This is not an automatic transformation but the kind of transformation that requires skill and hard won beauty and value.

Gort says that to sail this week with favourable winds vision and direction are necessary. For not all visions will take you to where your soul wants to go.

This is a good week to re-think and re-evaluate what you are doing and be honest with yourself in determining whether you are truly following your path or following other people because it gives you the feeling of belonging.

Belonging and the hero journey never go together.

Finally I have decided to report on Cosmic Energies when something significant happens. 
For now, all is the same and most of the physical discomforts people are experiences are coming from man made scalar waves as I have explained in previous posts and, the challenge of tuning in into cosmic energies that are not connecting easily to the DNA. Some people are connecting but the great majority isn't the Aquarians tell me.

If you are interested in a personal reading follow this link 

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