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Wanderings of a Cosmic Druid

Engaging the world of nature

I often go to places of nature and wooded areas. I have grown so close to the natural world over the past few years that nature feels like family.

When I visit a place of nature I feel welcome and at ease. I know I can be myself and nobody will judge me. On the contrary, I often feel inspired and renewed.

When I am troubled and go to natural places, ideas come to my mind. Things that I did not know before become apparent. New perspectives and new understandings.

What is a druid you may ask, and what is a Cosmic Druid. The answer is simple my favorite tree will say. Yet we humans tend to complicate matters to a point where one would ask, how many humans one require to define the word "druid".

So, let me be simplistic for a moment and let me tell you my heart felt understanding of the spirit of the word druid. For me a druid is someone that loves all equally, the planet, animals, plants, insects, bacteria, trees, people etc.

A cosmic druid would then be a person that does the same but at a cosmic scale.

For loving the harmony in each element of the cosmos can not be constrained to a little planet, although extremely beautiful, like Earth.

We are, if we choose to be, Cosmic beings. We do not live in a closed system. We live on Earth but at the same time we interact with the energies of the Sun, the Moon, all the other planets, comets, asteroids and objects in the Solar System; and also everything else that we know and we don't know exists in what we call the Cosmos.

When you see life from that perspective it is easy to realize how small and unimportant we are as specie. How temporary our existence is and how little we really know about the dynamics that keeps all things together and ticking.

When I am in a wood and see beautiful old trees I equally feel unimportant and inefficient. Because if I compare my life with the life of a tree, I can only say that my contribution to life in general is almost nonexistent in the broader sense of what I am giving to the whole other than CO2 . On the other hand,  trees are self sufficient and provide support and subsistence for many, many species including ourselves on top of which they do marvelous things like regulating the weather.

And there is the beauty. Walking into a place of nature is like entering the most intricate cathedral. Every twig, leaf, trunk, moss, insect, rabbit, squirrel, bird, the many types of dirt, compost and so on (I don't want to bore you :D) have the power to enthrall you and transport you to a very magic space.

Let us say that when I surrender my senses and experience nature without thoughts or judgement it becomes an almost indescribable experience that touches my body, heart, soul and spirit.

I intent to say more things in the future about my experiences in natural places but, for now let me leave you with some pictures of details often missed by our busy minds

Taken today, a winter day, at Tunbridge Wells Common

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