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Ogham energies for this week ending on Thursday 29th

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Positive aspects: Beith or Birch

This week energies support new beginning so any activity related to a new start will be favoured.
It is a good week to let go all that no longer serves you at all levels, from cleaning your house to cleaning your life.
In our fast paced life we tend to accumulate things. Take a computer for example, how many documents, connections, pictures you have that you no longer need. Same with facebook, it is a good week to cut ties with people that is no longer relevant in your life for connections that were important at one point can be like anchors where energy is lost on what one will say it is the past you.

All what we have in our life requires energy and blocks the movement of energy creating blockages that can manifest as illnesses. As the new cycle begins, give yourself a head start and let go of all that makes you feel "oh no, I don't want to see that in this new cycle"

It is a time to beautify your life in all senses.

Challenging aspects: Straif - Blackthorn 

It is a challenging week for relationships at all levels. Much can be learned from such challenges. If you find yourself in such predicament and you feel you want to stay in a job or relationship after considering if it is wise, do not force your hand, be patient, listen rather than speak for you may find there is much that has been overlooked. Thus taking into consideration the needs of others might make at the end the seeds for a better, more balanced outcome.
Not a good way for those that like to force their way and trample over others.

May you be blessed
Celtic Oracle

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Ogham is a system of divination used by the druids since time immemorial, it is called the tree alphabet. In its original form it had 4 groups of 5 letters called "aicmes" or 20 to 25 letters in total. Each letter carved in a wood stick of the corresponding tree is called "few". 
As each of the 20 or 25 letters is connected to a tree, the answer comes from the tree dryad with whom the few is connected. Each tree has different attributes and insights and pertains to a different time in the Druid calendar or the Wheel of the Seasons

Evidence of such alphabet can be found in the Isles of Merlin (UK and Ireland) through out. There are roughly 400 surviving Ogham inscriptions on stone monuments throughout Ireland and western Britain; the bulk of them are in the south of Ireland, in Counties Kerry, Cork and Waterford. The largest number outside of Ireland is in Pembrokeshire in Wales. The remainder are mostly in south-eastern Ireland, Scotland, Orkney Isles, the Isle of Man, and England around the Devon/Cornwall border

Copyright Tove Gambetta, All rights reserved.

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