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Ogham energies for the Imbolc Cycle and this week

This energies will also be stronger in this coming week until the 5fh of February.

Imbolc in Druid Lore and Sidhe Lore is the "little spring". As the days get longer, Mother nature awakes from her winter sleep. Life, light and warm is returning even to the coldest corners of the Northern hemisphere. Snowdrops and greenery appear in the fields.

Most people celebrate Imbolc on the 1st of February.

Thus the reading for today will have overtones throughout the six weeks cycle until the Spring Equinox or Ostara.

Ogham positive energies: Quert or Apple

In its positive aspects, the apple tree is a tree of renewal connected to the mysteries of alchemy and soul transformation.

Hence this period will be very favorable for all activities related to Soul growth, transformation, cleansing and integration. It is a good time to change diet for a more wholesome, natural and life supporting one.Vitality and all the things that supports vitality like being focus on the beauty of the planet, getting suitable rest, meditating, being mindful, working with crystals and trees will be activities that will come easier than other type of activities.

Ogham challenges for the period: Onn or gorse reversed

Onn reversed signals a lack of ideas or inspiration on activities like renovating homes, getting new material things like clothes and practical things. It is not a good time for activities that are anchored on materialistic ideas and in disharmony with the order of the cosmos; including any type of art focused on such core ideas. It is not a good time for economic expansion, inventions, and related activities that are not in harmony with the Cosmos.
It is a time to ponder whether one's activities are life enhancing or contrarian to life in the purest sense of what this conveys for many of our ideas of "good" are not in alignment with what is "good" in the Universal order of things.

If you would like a personal reading please visit my ETSY shop where there are various alternatives starting from a three month reading to energy healing and house healing.

Please feel free to share this message but only in its totality
Copyright Tove Gambetta


Wanderings of a Cosmic Druid

Engaging the world of nature

I often go to places of nature and wooded areas. I have grown so close to the natural world over the past few years that nature feels like family.

When I visit a place of nature I feel welcome and at ease. I know I can be myself and nobody will judge me. On the contrary, I often feel inspired and renewed.

When I am troubled and go to natural places, ideas come to my mind. Things that I did not know before become apparent. New perspectives and new understandings.

What is a druid you may ask, and what is a Cosmic Druid. The answer is simple my favorite tree will say. Yet we humans tend to complicate matters to a point where one would ask, how many humans one require to define the word "druid".

So, let me be simplistic for a moment and let me tell you my heart felt understanding of the spirit of the word druid. For me a druid is someone that loves all equally, the planet, animals, plants, insects, bacteria, trees, people etc.

A cosmic druid would then be a person that does the same but at a cosmic scale.

For loving the harmony in each element of the cosmos can not be constrained to a little planet, although extremely beautiful, like Earth.

We are, if we choose to be, Cosmic beings. We do not live in a closed system. We live on Earth but at the same time we interact with the energies of the Sun, the Moon, all the other planets, comets, asteroids and objects in the Solar System; and also everything else that we know and we don't know exists in what we call the Cosmos.

When you see life from that perspective it is easy to realize how small and unimportant we are as specie. How temporary our existence is and how little we really know about the dynamics that keeps all things together and ticking.

When I am in a wood and see beautiful old trees I equally feel unimportant and inefficient. Because if I compare my life with the life of a tree, I can only say that my contribution to life in general is almost nonexistent in the broader sense of what I am giving to the whole other than CO2 . On the other hand,  trees are self sufficient and provide support and subsistence for many, many species including ourselves on top of which they do marvelous things like regulating the weather.

And there is the beauty. Walking into a place of nature is like entering the most intricate cathedral. Every twig, leaf, trunk, moss, insect, rabbit, squirrel, bird, the many types of dirt, compost and so on (I don't want to bore you :D) have the power to enthrall you and transport you to a very magic space.

Let us say that when I surrender my senses and experience nature without thoughts or judgement it becomes an almost indescribable experience that touches my body, heart, soul and spirit.

I intent to say more things in the future about my experiences in natural places but, for now let me leave you with some pictures of details often missed by our busy minds

Taken today, a winter day, at Tunbridge Wells Common

Should you be so kind to support my efforts please do it by purchasing the product at my shop in ETSY  Thank you!

Copy right Tove Gambetta All rights reserved

Please do feel free to share this post if you wish but please share it in its totality.


Ogham energies for this week ending on Thursday 29th

First of all, thank you for supporting our work by buying our readings, energy healing opportunities and products from ETSY

Positive aspects: Beith or Birch

This week energies support new beginning so any activity related to a new start will be favoured.
It is a good week to let go all that no longer serves you at all levels, from cleaning your house to cleaning your life.
In our fast paced life we tend to accumulate things. Take a computer for example, how many documents, connections, pictures you have that you no longer need. Same with facebook, it is a good week to cut ties with people that is no longer relevant in your life for connections that were important at one point can be like anchors where energy is lost on what one will say it is the past you.

All what we have in our life requires energy and blocks the movement of energy creating blockages that can manifest as illnesses. As the new cycle begins, give yourself a head start and let go of all that makes you feel "oh no, I don't want to see that in this new cycle"

It is a time to beautify your life in all senses.

Challenging aspects: Straif - Blackthorn 

It is a challenging week for relationships at all levels. Much can be learned from such challenges. If you find yourself in such predicament and you feel you want to stay in a job or relationship after considering if it is wise, do not force your hand, be patient, listen rather than speak for you may find there is much that has been overlooked. Thus taking into consideration the needs of others might make at the end the seeds for a better, more balanced outcome.
Not a good way for those that like to force their way and trample over others.

May you be blessed
Celtic Oracle

If you are interested on a personal reading please follow this link and choose from the various options

Ogham is a system of divination used by the druids since time immemorial, it is called the tree alphabet. In its original form it had 4 groups of 5 letters called "aicmes" or 20 to 25 letters in total. Each letter carved in a wood stick of the corresponding tree is called "few". 
As each of the 20 or 25 letters is connected to a tree, the answer comes from the tree dryad with whom the few is connected. Each tree has different attributes and insights and pertains to a different time in the Druid calendar or the Wheel of the Seasons

Evidence of such alphabet can be found in the Isles of Merlin (UK and Ireland) through out. There are roughly 400 surviving Ogham inscriptions on stone monuments throughout Ireland and western Britain; the bulk of them are in the south of Ireland, in Counties Kerry, Cork and Waterford. The largest number outside of Ireland is in Pembrokeshire in Wales. The remainder are mostly in south-eastern Ireland, Scotland, Orkney Isles, the Isle of Man, and England around the Devon/Cornwall border

Copyright Tove Gambetta, All rights reserved.


New Moon in Aquarius 2015

A message from our Sidhe family


We are the Sidhe, the original inhabitants of this planet. We were here way before there was even the thought of a HU-man race, way before.

We are female and male wizards and magicians that live in the 3.75 dimension and raising to the 4th dimension.

The HU-man race is in 3.25 dimension, thus there is half a dimensional span of separation between you and us.

Beloved friends and long lost family, we reach to you this magical day of the New Moon and before the magical time of Mercury Retrograde.

We want to forewarn you about events that will be manifesting in your reality in the coming times. Such events are those of separation between those that are our long lost family that chooses to remain in the spiral of ascension of this mother and magical planet. And those that do not belong here because their way of thinking and conducting themselves breach all natural laws of the Cosmos.

Such separation will not happen at once, it will be progressive and natural. You may find yourself drifting apart from people you knew that did not resonate with your alignment to the Cosmos. You may feel the need of re-aligning your job, home, friends and the food you eat for something that is more in alignment with the natural laws of the cosmos.

Your changes will be gladly received by us and all the family of this planet, the tightly web from which many of you remain separated. We your Sidhe family want you to know that you will always be welcome to our Paradisiac existence, provided you follow the simple rules of self responsibility, respect and cooperation for all life and equal interchange of energy.

The other separation that will be occurring is one of ideas. 

More than five thousand years ago, events occurred that changed the dynamics of this planet but, such information will only be disclosed in March.

Such events caused that the natural order of things went up side down, and in fear you took ideas and information that do not belong to this planet, nor to our long lost family to whom this message is directed.

The ideas that you are holding precious have only caused disharmony, lack, insecurity, wars, the splitting of communal and cooperative living in harmony with the rest of the beings that inhabit this planet.

If you were to advise somebody else about such ideas, would you tell them to continue to believe them or, would you tell them to try something new? If something has not worked for more than five thousand years, the most cautios being will be tempted to say: scrap it all and start a new. Look again at your environment, HU-mans have become toxic to themselves and to the rest of the planet.

Why is this true? for one most of you are suffering if not from a physical illness, a mental one. Stress, anxiety, depression, sorrow, loneliness and so on...this feeling are not normal in the Cosmos, they are an exception not a rule.

Most of the peoples of the Milky Way live in peace and in harmony with their environments. They do not believe silly ideas just because someone says it so. They are discerning beings that are connected to their intuition (consciousness) and their gut feeling (physical intelligence).

For those disconnected from their intuition and gut feelings, for those that follow the mistaken herd to the precipice of self annihilation the incoming forces will be bewildering. Mental walls will fall and there will be no where to run. The advise given by the deceivers will not resolve the difficulties and will expose them as what they are: ignorant deceivers interested only in profit and not the well being of their fellow HU-men.

Think what has been achieved in the last five thousand years that has been life affirming for all, not only HU-men.

You have lost more and more of your independence. Learned to rely in un-natural things to make yourself safe from other HU-men.

You have lost the magic of life and spontaneous happiness for the sake of it. 

The ideas you hold so precious have not served you.

What is important you do now is to get back to your intuition (consciousness) and body intelligence (physical)

Perhaps the easiest thing to do is to go back to your body intelligence. We say that because part of you is Sidhe and part of you can bring you back to the enlightened life you so much crave.

Become aware of your body by way of relaxation or focus and ponder about your life, what would you really want and why. For many times what you want will not bring you happiness as it is misguided by alien ideas.

If we see you progress, we will get in touch and offer more guidance but be discerning for there are many that want to take your place in this planet and want to lead you stray. Put all that to the test of the tree simple rules: self responsibility, respect and cooperation for all life ( and we mean ALL life not just HU-man) and equal interchange of energy.

Perhaps in another new moon we will talk a bit more about the rules of the Cosmos. 

Spent as much time in nature and eat as natural as possible with balance.

May the blessings of the Goddess of the Moon descend upon you and light your path towards self-empowerment, self-awareness and self-responsibility.

Copy right Tove Gambetta, all rights reserved
You are welcome to share this message in its totality only.


Elestial Amethyst - Arcturian Starbraries

We just received the most beautiful Arcturian Starbraries elestial Amethysts. Some of the have goethite, some have cacoxenite, some have amazing colouring and phantoms.

I will be uploading them progressively but I thought I give you some eye candy for the weekend


Starbraries are said to be crystals left behind by star peoples (or ancestors)  from different galaxies in very ancient times as libraries of information for humanity in its awakening hour. They are recognized by light etching that resembles star showers or glyphs and have also a key

Arcturus is an star part of the Bootes constellation, it is connected to many myths including the Celtic Arthur myth and also to the readings of Edgar Cayce

Amethyst is a receptive crystal connected to Jupiter and Neptune. Element of water. Deities Bacchus, Dionysus, Diana
Powers: Dreams, Psychism, Peace, Love, Protection, Courage and Happiness

Scott Cunningham recommends holding an amethyst in one's hand when everyday stresses seem too much. Also for peaceful sleep an amethyst under the pillow does the trick. Can be placed in the bath water for a pre-meditation purification

Scott Cunningham lists Amethyst as a stone used for love spells 
Copyright Tove Gambetta All rights reserved