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Message from Gregory Silverlight 14th July 2015

Dear friends and family

As September nears ever more quickly I have to tell you a bit more about the decision you are about to take.

The decision is not about religions, money or how your government works.

The decision is about which way the destiny of your own soul will go.

It is a yes or no decision.

Please understand that I don't want to influence anyone in their personal decision, nor the Aquarian Elven would want any of that.

Decisions, your decision has to be one of total free will.

There are two options:

a) As the Aquarian Elven had mentioned before, there is a magnetic wave approaching the planet. This wave has been traveling for a long time and has the potential to change the destiny of the human race into a destiny of freedom.

b) Staying as you are. This means that you freely accept the status quo even in the case the tightening of circumstances may make it apparently that all in not as it seems. We have already given you Humanity's real history that you can read in this blog
It will be advisable you read it before taking any decision.

What needs be doing? If you want option one you need to embrace the Aquarian wave and surf with it. It is not going to be a physical surfing but a soul and transcendental surfing. You may want to consider buying some Aquarian Crystal prior September to help you anchor better these energies see some here
but it is up to you. We are asking you nothing. Anything you do needs to be your decision and responsibility.

If you would choose option b you need do nothing.

This is a decision of paramount importance for it is cast on your Soul and not your body.

As the energies approached it is likely that there will be social upheavals, disorder, discontent and other social ills. The reason for such upheavals is that people are unprepared. Such is the amount of energy does tend to upset the current order as you can well imagine.

It is likely there will be some Earth changes but we can not predict what kind of changes because it would depend on the technology your governments use at that time.

Saying it plainly, if there was no interference with the wave, the Earth changes would be minimal but that is unlikely to be the case.

We the Sidhe as well as the Aquarian Elven are doing all that we can to help you as a collective and individually if you have already tuned in to any of us.

Read all the posts in this blog related to the Aquarians and the Sidhe, they are not that many but they can help you understand more and make a wise decision. Understand we can not choose for you.

As our cosmic brothers and sisters all that we can do is put the cards on the table as we have done and let you be and decide which kind of reality you would rather be.

Whatever the choice prepare for change as it is inevitable it will come to pass one way or another.

In the meantime we all send you our blessings, may the light of wisdom light your path.

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