Positive aspects: Ruis or Elder
Elder Mother always looking after us, the tree of the Cailleach that signals the end of a cycle. She advises us to let go of the old that no longer serve us. The coming times will bring a separation between the old and the new.
Those aligned to the new have the opportunity of starting a new, going in a direction that supports them as they support all around them as well
Those stuck in the old are likely to see their lives turn up side down as the waves of karma wash through. This is natural the Cailleach said, we are at the end of a cycle, the accounts need settling to enjoy the new energies that are washing in.
In other words, it is wise to find new ways to lead one life, ways that are harmonious with the natural world that support us. Without nature we would not be able to live, without air, water, fire and what the Earth produces we would be in a baron place and soon find our end.
This is a good week for detoxing you life at all levels and detoxing your diet too. The more processed the food is, the more it will drain your life force.
The Cailleach says life force is changing. Anything that does not resonate with the higher frequency life force will make us feel unwell, heavy or tired. She said we do have choices, "choose wisely" at all levels.
The impression I get is as if a clean slate is being presented to us, we can make wise choices and enter into a delightful space or we can make wrong choices and get a very sharpish backlash.
An ideal meditation for clearing the old cob webs have been given by the Aquarians and it is available for purchase here
Challenges for the week - Coll or Hazel reversed
It is not going to be a week conducive for spiritual work unless you are resilient and have persistence. Creative endeavours would not be flowing. Intuition might be hard to reach.
The way around this is to use the wisdom you already have. A week to be prudent and think things through several times before making choices.
Many Blessings
Celtic Oracle
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