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Being FREE, by Gregory Silverlight

These are some of the ideas Gregory has asked me to pass regarding the right to be Free and how can we go about attaining such freedom

Gregory speaks

I see you troubled and sorrowful. The world you have created in cooperation with the rest of your kin does not please you.

In the past, you did not even know how your race came to be, but now you know (he refers to Humanity's Real History which can be read in this blog). Such knowledge is the first step you have to take to redirect your future.

You now know that most of you have DNA of four species and that is at the core of your inner conflict. One of such species was the combination of Hu Ra, Maian from the Pleiades and Numo from Sirius thus Humaian, a three way DNA already.

When you came to Earth with the purpose to reintegrate and heal yourselves the Maians from the Pleiades used their own DNA and incorporated Simian DNA and much more Numo DNA. Later on you got SiDhe DNA by forced interbreeding.

Thus your DNA is in great conflict within.

Depending on the proportion of which race your DNA will be your friend or your worse enemy.

Take for example those that consider themselves "pure race" which in truth, no one in the human race that is in this planet presently is "pure" genetically as you can see above. Yet for the sake of simplicity lets continue to call the Humaians. The humaians have a great deal of conflict within themselves. They also carry deep trauma caused by the explosion of Hu Ra and the failure of Dalmia. They also suffer field penetration from the remnants of Hu Ra. Hence they feel they need to prove themselves while at the same time they are terrified of loosing this home too.

That makes them quite aggressive and possessive. Greed is a common trait of those that have more Humaian DNA. Greed without logic or purpose, for the sake of it. But behind such greed there is terror of becoming space dust like the rest of the morphogenetic field of Hu Ra is doing.

In their terror they live in a fight or flight mode caused by the use of Simian DNA. Simians are quite confident though and only get into panic mode if necessary but we will talk about that another day.

In addition to all that, they don't know but they do feel that something terrible happened and indeed it did. The Numo and the Maians have gone extinct. Thus the Humaian feel abandoned.

They also feel a great deal of rage against their forefathers the Maian and Numo because subconsciously they blame them for the pitiful state they are now in.

The Humaians also carry the guilt of having blown their own planet and having caused the sinking of the islands now know as Mu and Atlantis.

Their aim is to conquer the workings of creation with technology but that is the same silly mistake they made in Hu Ra in the first place. The universe can not be hacked. It does not matter what they do they will never succeed, nor there is any more help forthcoming. They have only one possibility to survive and that is:

To relinquish their anger and fear.
To surrender to the fact the Universe is friendly
To accept that playing creator backfires
To embrace the simple 3 rules of magic

I will not talk about the other races because I do not want to cause a witch hunt but, suffice to say that if you ponder about what is here said and Humanity's Real History you will know who you are.

The whole of the cosmos now lives by the three rules of magic. A being can not go against such enormous torrent, at some point the torrent will take the being. If the being knows how to negotiate the water it will survive, if it doesn't it will perish. It is logical.

Don't be put out by the word magic, it is not black magic at all. It is what you call common sense but much more than that because it enables you to beautify and harmonize your life.

Now, I am giving you an antidote to cope with the reversed environment you are living in. Ponder about these ideas every day. The best time is before you set yourself for work. If consistently applied this will change your life:

- In my world there are no wars
- In my world no one is allowed to do anything on my behalf without my direct consent
- In my world all is beautiful
- In my world all is harmonious
- In my world there is abundance

Do not compare your ideas with your reality. Ideas are the seed that facilitate the growth of the tree

May you be blessed

Transcribed by
Tove Gambetta
All rights reserved

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A message from Gregory Silverlight - The Sidhe speak - May 22 2015

Gregory has asked me to pass on this message

1) With reference to the fixation on ETs and whether they are trying to take over the Earth.

Read the History which is in another post. Earth is a closed time warp, nothing comes in, nothing goes out since the fall of Atlantis.

Thus, ETs can not come in even if they were able to come here. Please remember, there are no doors, no stargates, no wormwholes. Nor they can be created by any means. They are only frequencies. If you want to leave Earth you need to match the Sidhe frequency. The Hu Maians are unable to do that and the races that supported them are no more.

2) With regards to the harvesting of souls, energies and so on.
There is no such thing.  Ask yourselves who takes indiscriminately without regard for the planet and all other creatures on Earth? I won't tell you but it is obvious, look in a mirror glass and you will see. Could you honestly say you are kind to the planet, her creatures and even your fellow humans?

3) The situation of the Hu Maians and their many genetic experiments created beings. Their situation is bleak and they are likely to do something which will be distressing in desperation but they have no ammunition left. Yes they are implementing "plans" but they will not pan out in the way they wish.

One has to give to them that they are persistent but they are not able, nor were they ever able, to understand how the cosmos work.

4) How to reconnect to the web of life
It is simple, go to nature and spend quality time rekindling your relationship with Earth and everything else.
Clean up your act by not predating on Earth and her creatures
Much that you may want to connect you need to come from a place of integrity. Read the section about magic in the History and you will get the three simple rules that we all have to consider when doing things.

5) On whether you need DNA healing
You do, which is why the Aquarian Elven have offered the upgrades. Thus far there is only one anchored in the planet. This is related to reconnecting and healing the astral part of your anatomy. Humans have a four body system. Astral healing is indispensable in order to stop the mental loops and other dysfunctions in the emotional and physical bodies.

All your bodies are out of alignment including the physical but the physical is the one that is less dysfunctional. Now if you drink, smoke, take drugs, eat the wrong foods, watch television, play video games and so on, your body will be struggling just to keep itself alive. Do your bit to keep your life force clean and strong. Don't expect others to do it for you.

You do not have to do the upgrades or techniques if you do not want to. It is your own decision. The Aquarian Elven assistance does not have strings attached other than you have to pay for the service that it is being provided because our human contacts have to pay for their bills too.

Presently there are only three people that can do this activations and one that can do it remote.

It is up to you but you may find that as things accelerate and certain machines accelerate your emotions and thoughts will loop faster.

Not all humans have the same DNA, some have more Sidhe others more Hu Maian. Those with more Sidhe are likely to be more prepared for the times to come than those that have more Hu Maian DNA.

The Aquarian Elven have also forewarned in another message that there is a magnetic wave entering the Solar system. This will also have an effect on those that have a more left brain development.

For many of you we are your long lost family, we are here to guide you if you would like us to but do not expect that anyone will come and solve the problems you have creating by your own way of living.

Most of your dilemmas can be solved by embracing the three rules of magic in the History post.

Do not waste your time speculating who did what. All the information that you have is tainted. History has been rewritten by the victors in your time warp which is why we provided an outline to guide you and help your DNA healing.

When your mind engages in believing error your DNA suffers. You now have the truth of what happened albeit in a very summarized way due to lack of time but more will be given to each one of you directly when you straighten your own distortions.

Nature nurtures and teaches the right way if you have respect and take time to engage with it.

May you fare well


My own personal note regarding the magnetic wave. I have been told by the Aquarians that waves behave in a similar manner as solar flares. Whether it will impact the planet or not or how much it is impossible to predict as it depends on the frequency the planet has at the time.


Humanity's real history as given by the Sidhe

Humanity's real history is now available as a epub in most epub stores and in ETSY as a PDF



The ebook also includes

This is the 1st Activation Workbook. It includes -

- Introduction from the Aquarian Elven 
- Self Activation Instruction
- Astral Resetting Technique
- Tuning Technique

- Bubble of Recovery Technique

- 'Humanity's Real History' 

Why it is important to activate yourself?
Because we have a mixed DNA that needs adjusting as we switch from the era of Pisces to the era of Aquarius.

Why is important to reset your astral body?
As you will understand from reading Humanity's real history, events happened in the past that lead to the current situation of the human race. The human DNA is a patch up of different races and one of the races is now departing from the solar system and galaxy for good leaving a gap in the astral field. Thus that part of the Astral body has to be released or reset.

Why is important to keep up tuning in your energy bodies?
The Aquarius era started on the 14th of March 2015. Since then energies in the planet have been consistently changing. People feel out of sorts and with symptoms that they are not used to experience before. Such unpleasant experience can be overrided by the self activation and by doing the other three techniques consistently.

What is the bubble of recovery?
It is a technique to assist you bouncing up quickly if you are feeling out of sorts at any level. It also helps to clear the unwanted energetic intrusion or the bleed from other people's intentions and/or Karma. It can assist you creating your desired experience. 

This download is in a PDF format and contains 31 A4 pages of information

All these techniques have been given by the Aquarian Elven. They are techniques that have been tried and tested in other solar systems with good outcomes.

All these information was received by direct cognition from the Aquarian Elven and Sidhe (Faerie) by myself. I am an experienced seer that has completed Druid studies and have many years of experience in the Metaphysical realm.

Those that did the activations already do not need this material as there is no new information unless you would like to have it.

This workbook is available as epub in various formats at Lulu too


A message from Gregory Silverlight regarding the intense energies

A message from Gregory. He said to me that our friends and family in the Summerlands are holding us with their love.

They are aware how difficult are the times we are going through. We need to cope and reverse the environmental pollution.

Our economic system is dysfunctional and is showing.

We are coping with strong energies from space that were never supposed to tip us over the edge but because on the lag between where we are as a collective and where our spiritual evolution was supposed to be in this moment we are feeling all these with great intensity.

He said that to ameliorate the backlash we could consider doing this:

-Clean up our personal act regarding how we use Earth resources

-Work on being mindful and connected with nature and the cosmos

-Have a clean and sensible diet

-Take time to ponder

-Increase the health of the Auric field, particularly the Astral body

Yes he knows it seems like a lot but Gregory said that the sooner we align the easier it will be.

Being stuck on the old energies of Pisces will be very painful as time progresses. Now is the time to get priorities right. The biggest priority is to engage our consciousness and put our spiritual evolution on the agenda.

 Surviving materially is important but this is not a time to put career  before spiritual evolution. We need to take care of ourselves materially because the system is failing.

It is important to be free from dependency in the social support system but work to cover our material needs and also what you need for our spiritual evolution.

He said the more we are focused on the rat race, the more bewildering our life will become. We are still in time to correct our course but things will feel as if they are accelerating for the worse if one is in the wrong track.

Received by direct cognition, transcribed by Tove Gambetta. All rights reserved


The magic voice of the trees for 8th to 14th May

Hope all had a lovely May day or Beltane!

Positive aspects:  Ruis or Elder

Elder Mother always looking after us, the tree of the Cailleach that signals the end of a cycle. She advises us to let go of the old that no longer serve us. The coming times will bring a separation between the old and the new.

Those aligned to the new have the opportunity of starting a new, going in a direction that supports them as they support all around them as well

Those stuck in the old are likely to see their lives turn up side down as the waves of karma wash through. This is natural the Cailleach said, we are at the end of a cycle, the accounts need settling to enjoy the new energies that are washing in.

In other words, it is wise to find new ways to lead one life, ways that are harmonious with the natural world that support us. Without nature we would not be able to live, without air, water, fire and what the Earth produces we would be in a baron place and soon find our end.

This is a good week for detoxing you life at all levels and detoxing your diet too. The more processed the food is, the more it will drain your life force.

The Cailleach says life force is changing. Anything that does not resonate with the higher frequency life force will make us feel unwell, heavy or tired. She said we do have choices, "choose wisely" at all levels.

The impression I get is as if a clean slate is being presented to us, we can make wise choices and enter into a delightful space or we can make wrong choices and get a very sharpish backlash.

An ideal meditation for clearing the old cob webs have been given by the Aquarians and it is available for purchase here

Challenges for the week - Coll or Hazel reversed

It is not going to be a week conducive for spiritual work unless you are resilient and have persistence. Creative endeavours would not be flowing. Intuition might be hard to reach.

The way around this is to use the wisdom you already have. A week to be prudent and think things through several times before making choices.

Many Blessings

Celtic Oracle