Supporting energies: Fearn or Alder, the tree of guidance
This means that this week is a good week to seek advise or to go within and find advise with the help of our inner guides or totem animals.
It is a good time to be discerning and release all that is distracting you from your path. There are many ideas that lead to nowhere and while that was ok in the past now the time to tune up for the incoming energies is short.
Many people are feeling the "pre-wave" and it is having the strongest impact I have ever experienced. Hence, all that you can do to get you inner house in order will bring you a better and more harmonious experience.
Fearn says there is now true knowledge being released, information that was not there before. And made a point that most of what was there is a regurgitation of the same old paternalistic story (see the comments Gregory made yesterday in the Celtic Oracle page in facebook )
The reluctant traveler that is sticking to the past and the Piscean paternalistic perspective might find him/herself as if the floor under their feet has collapsed.
All that we believe affect our DNA. To make a parallel, if you upgrade your computer and put software that is not compatible with the existing software the computer crashes. The same thing is happening with the DNA hence, we are seeing a significant rise in mental dis-comfort and emotional upheavals.
Take the beat from the Alder and go within. If you do not know how to work with your totem animal this is a great video
Challenging energies: Gort or Ivy reversed
Gort tell us that we may face constricting energies this week. There is no compromise with constricting energies for ultimate they lead to challenges and difficulties. There are a lot of hostile energies in human society. Some call them "vampiric" energies. The sort of people that will stop to nothing but getting their own materialistic ways. This is a time to let go of that. To let go of the "victim - victimizer game". For there are no victimizers if the potential victim is self empowered and self directed.
Gort advises a clean break from all that drains and requires putting more energy, effort, money and so on than what has a balanced return of energy.
Perhaps is a week to say enough is enough and self empower oneself by following oneself <3
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