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According with Robet Simmons, shattuckite is a mineral associated with Ajoite, Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Malachite and other copper silicates. It is found in Shattuck Arizona where it was discovered and also in Argentina, Austria, Congo, Germany, Greece, Namibia, Norway, South Africa and Great Britain

Therefore shattuckite expresses the combined synergy of 4 major minerals and frequencies. When two frequencies are combined they amplify each other. When more than two frequencies combine the amplification is even more powerful

Numerically we have

Number 1 for Turquoise
Which is a stone sacred for the Tibetans and Native American Indians as protection from negative forces. The Ancient Egyptians also used the stone which in those days came from the Sinai peninsula.

The name turquoise derives from "turkish stone" because the stone was traded in Turkey and sold to those travelling to Persia where the Zoroastrians revered it. The Persians believed that "the hand that wears turquoise and uses it as a seal will never become poor". They also believed it will protect the wearer from sudden death and the evil eye

Astrologically is considered "The lucky stone of Aquarius" therefore quite suited to our changing times

In ancient times it was believed that will alleviate throat infections and diseases of the lungs

Number 5 for Chrysocolla
Chrysocolla has been known to man since the beginning of recorded history, its name is actually two words from Greek, “Chrysa” meaning Gold and “Kolla” which means glue. It should be noted that Chrysocolla got its name because its properties were first used to solder gold. Using Chrysocolla was first recorded in 315 BC by a Greek named Theophrastus.
Chrysocolla has a beautiful blue green color, and many people mistake it for turquoise. Because this mineral is very soft, it is not used for ornamental jewelry, but can be used as cabochons when properly polished. This mineral only has a hardness rating on the Moh’s scale of 2.5.
Besides being used in Ancient Greece as solder, it also has been given many mystical qualities by those that possess it. For instance, Chrysocolla is said to be an inspiration of creativity, it helps promote communication and is generally associated with femininity. Some of the many medicinal qualities given to this mineral is the ability to relieve ulcers and to help people stricken with arthritis.
If you wear or possess Chrysocolla, you are said to be extremely tranquil and at peace. You might find yourself more patient and to be able to give unconditional love. Finally, Chrysocolla is also associated with the ability to soothe others, as well as one’s mind and body.

Number 6 for Ajoite
Ajoite is a rare and very valuable stone that was first discovered in Arizona in the early 1960's. It is named after the Ajo District of Pima County in Arizona. It was also found later in a copper mine in Messina, South Africa. The mine collapsed and flooded in the late 1990's. It was closed shortly thereafter because of its hazardous conditions and it is not very likely that the mine will ever be opened again. Ajoite's colour ranges from light green to intense blue and turquoise. It grows as a phantom on quartz crystals and can be found to be either dull or transparent to translucent. Ajoite is most valued for its metaphysical properties and is one of the most essential crystals of the New Age Movement

Metaphysically, ajoite supports the emotional body assisting the release negative emotional patterns. It is calming and uplifting. It can help those experiencing extreme emotional polarity and are prone to fear and anger. As it calms the emotional body and therefore takes the energy from looping thoughts int the mental body is excellent to assist communication with other realms

Number 9 for Malachite
Malachite personifies the deep healing green of nature and represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants. It manifests a deep Devic green which rules the material plane. [Raphaell, 144] It is a Stone of Transformation, assisting one in changing situations and providing for spiritual growth. [Melody, 395] It heals on physical and emotional levels, drawing out impurities and stimulating the Life Force throughout the aura and body. [Ahsian, 248]
The name Malachite may come from the Greek word malakee, or malache, signifying the resemblance of Mallow leaves, or from the Greek word malakos, meaning soft. [Fernie, 167][Simmons, 247] Being a carbonate of copper, Malachite is sometimes intergrown with Azurite, forming Malachite-Azurite, or with Chrysocolla, forming Malachite-Chrysocolla. [Simmons, 247]
Well known to ancient Egyptians, Malachite mines were in use between the Suez and Sinai as early as 4000 B.C. [Kunz, 97] It was also popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans, for jewelry, ornaments, and in powdered form, for eye shadow. In the Middle Ages, Malachite was believed to protect against the "Evil Eye" and to cure various stomach ailments. Russian czars used Malachite for ornaments and panelling for their castles, and intricate inlay work. [Simmons, 247] 

Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution and heals earth energies. [Hall, 183] Keep near microwaves in the kitchen and televisions in living areas. In the workplace Malachite protects against noise, over-bright fluorescent lighting, and harmful rays from technological equipment, negative phone calls and emails. [Eason, 283]

To sum up, Shattuckite, is a stone that brings calm, emotional balance, patience, abundance and psychic protection and EMF protection, STONE OF TRANSFORMATION. Even better, it is still affordable! so stock up while there is supply

Some examples


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