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According with Robet Simmons, shattuckite is a mineral associated with Ajoite, Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Malachite and other copper silicates. It is found in Shattuck Arizona where it was discovered and also in Argentina, Austria, Congo, Germany, Greece, Namibia, Norway, South Africa and Great Britain

Therefore shattuckite expresses the combined synergy of 4 major minerals and frequencies. When two frequencies are combined they amplify each other. When more than two frequencies combine the amplification is even more powerful

Numerically we have

Number 1 for Turquoise
Which is a stone sacred for the Tibetans and Native American Indians as protection from negative forces. The Ancient Egyptians also used the stone which in those days came from the Sinai peninsula.

The name turquoise derives from "turkish stone" because the stone was traded in Turkey and sold to those travelling to Persia where the Zoroastrians revered it. The Persians believed that "the hand that wears turquoise and uses it as a seal will never become poor". They also believed it will protect the wearer from sudden death and the evil eye

Astrologically is considered "The lucky stone of Aquarius" therefore quite suited to our changing times

In ancient times it was believed that will alleviate throat infections and diseases of the lungs

Number 5 for Chrysocolla
Chrysocolla has been known to man since the beginning of recorded history, its name is actually two words from Greek, “Chrysa” meaning Gold and “Kolla” which means glue. It should be noted that Chrysocolla got its name because its properties were first used to solder gold. Using Chrysocolla was first recorded in 315 BC by a Greek named Theophrastus.
Chrysocolla has a beautiful blue green color, and many people mistake it for turquoise. Because this mineral is very soft, it is not used for ornamental jewelry, but can be used as cabochons when properly polished. This mineral only has a hardness rating on the Moh’s scale of 2.5.
Besides being used in Ancient Greece as solder, it also has been given many mystical qualities by those that possess it. For instance, Chrysocolla is said to be an inspiration of creativity, it helps promote communication and is generally associated with femininity. Some of the many medicinal qualities given to this mineral is the ability to relieve ulcers and to help people stricken with arthritis.
If you wear or possess Chrysocolla, you are said to be extremely tranquil and at peace. You might find yourself more patient and to be able to give unconditional love. Finally, Chrysocolla is also associated with the ability to soothe others, as well as one’s mind and body.

Number 6 for Ajoite
Ajoite is a rare and very valuable stone that was first discovered in Arizona in the early 1960's. It is named after the Ajo District of Pima County in Arizona. It was also found later in a copper mine in Messina, South Africa. The mine collapsed and flooded in the late 1990's. It was closed shortly thereafter because of its hazardous conditions and it is not very likely that the mine will ever be opened again. Ajoite's colour ranges from light green to intense blue and turquoise. It grows as a phantom on quartz crystals and can be found to be either dull or transparent to translucent. Ajoite is most valued for its metaphysical properties and is one of the most essential crystals of the New Age Movement

Metaphysically, ajoite supports the emotional body assisting the release negative emotional patterns. It is calming and uplifting. It can help those experiencing extreme emotional polarity and are prone to fear and anger. As it calms the emotional body and therefore takes the energy from looping thoughts int the mental body is excellent to assist communication with other realms

Number 9 for Malachite
Malachite personifies the deep healing green of nature and represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants. It manifests a deep Devic green which rules the material plane. [Raphaell, 144] It is a Stone of Transformation, assisting one in changing situations and providing for spiritual growth. [Melody, 395] It heals on physical and emotional levels, drawing out impurities and stimulating the Life Force throughout the aura and body. [Ahsian, 248]
The name Malachite may come from the Greek word malakee, or malache, signifying the resemblance of Mallow leaves, or from the Greek word malakos, meaning soft. [Fernie, 167][Simmons, 247] Being a carbonate of copper, Malachite is sometimes intergrown with Azurite, forming Malachite-Azurite, or with Chrysocolla, forming Malachite-Chrysocolla. [Simmons, 247]
Well known to ancient Egyptians, Malachite mines were in use between the Suez and Sinai as early as 4000 B.C. [Kunz, 97] It was also popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans, for jewelry, ornaments, and in powdered form, for eye shadow. In the Middle Ages, Malachite was believed to protect against the "Evil Eye" and to cure various stomach ailments. Russian czars used Malachite for ornaments and panelling for their castles, and intricate inlay work. [Simmons, 247] 

Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution and heals earth energies. [Hall, 183] Keep near microwaves in the kitchen and televisions in living areas. In the workplace Malachite protects against noise, over-bright fluorescent lighting, and harmful rays from technological equipment, negative phone calls and emails. [Eason, 283]

To sum up, Shattuckite, is a stone that brings calm, emotional balance, patience, abundance and psychic protection and EMF protection, STONE OF TRANSFORMATION. Even better, it is still affordable! so stock up while there is supply

Some examples



Quartz varieties and methaphysical properties

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Clear quartz by itself is a magnificent tool that amplifies the aura and clears the etheric system. If you ever feel like having the feeling of spring in your body, holding a clear quartz point of good quality does create the feeling of being just awaken after a good night sleep!

There are many configurations of quartz and many claims made on quartz's ability to transform and transport us. Here I am going to expand on my own experience as meditation teacher, crystal lover and crystal shop

When crystals came into my life it was because I put a desperate call to the universe for guidance on how to heal a pesky fibromyalgia that was making my life impossible. By then I had tried everything, doctors, angels, specialized meditations, exercise, several diets, supplements, contraptions, etc. You name it, I tried it!

While some of the experimentation lead me to realize that I had to go back to my old gnostic practices of mindfulness and self awareness I was still stuck, the fogginess and pain was not willing to go away

I arrived to the conclusions that the problem was deeper than what conventional methods could deal with. One of my students of meditation introduced me to crystals, her enthusiasm was such that I decided to give it a go

Just by holding the crystals I felt renovated, not cured but with more hope. Since then the journey has been a long one. I have tried many crystals and there is always a tale to tell. The change that I experienced was such that I had to share it so I started selling them. First in ebay which I still use (search for happinessdoctor) and now I have expanded into facebook and Etsy. All very cool outlets!

I love all varieties of quartz but I have a soft spot for Brazilian, Moroccan and Madagascar. I just resonate with them, so without more delay, lets see what varieties there are and what they can do in addition to expand one's aura, clear the chakras and facilitate communication with nature and the web of life

Many of the following master specialities can be applied to many other types of crystals by the way

Abudance crystal.- or horn of plenty is the same as artichoke quartz with the difference that there is one mayor prevalent point and all the rest are smaller and at the bottom. Said to attract wealth and abundance. There are also crystals with a rare 8 sided face that are called "abundace face"crystal.

Barnacle quartz.- Is considered such that has a multitude of small crystals covering a main crystals. The bigger crystal is the "old soul" that attracks smaller ones with its wisdom

Bridge crystals.- known in geology as Dauphine Law if they follow certain angles. Metaphysically, bridge crystals join the outer with the inner. As in "bridging worlds"

Light libraries or Cathedral quartz.- Metaphysically speaking, cathedrals have the same qualities of quartz but amplified, true light libraries that are a bridge with Earth records. A little cathedral is as effective as a big one. Meditating with one of these crystals puts you in sinc with the web of life or universal mind. My experience with them is powerful, they do have significan amplified power and if you are trained to have a quiet mind, you will be getting insigts like a flash of pictures. Otherwise it might take a bit for the information to be "downloaded" into the conscious mind

Elestial Quartz.- I could write a blog about elestials, perhaps one day I will. For now, Elestials are very interesting crystals with their many points and amplified power. Elestials and Jacare are the same thing. They are basically points that have many points within them. Sometimes they can have a skeleton effect too. Metaphysically speaking these crystals assist integrating the many faces of the ego and giving up egocentric hung ups so if you don't want to change, perhaps they are better on a shelf. One Example here 

Etched.- see starseed

Faden Quartz.- It is also a crystal that has undergone geological trauma. These crystals have been fractured slightly by quakes. As they regrow, they form a white line where the trauma happened. At methaphysical level they are great aids to overcome trauma. Elestials that have a scalonated apparience are useful to look at other lives.

Sold out but if you are interested in a personalized pendant please follow this link 

Fenster Quartz.- also known as "corroded" is a crystal that have experienced changes in the geological environment (rising temperatures, aggressive solutions, increasing pressure) can lead to the complete or partial dissolution of a crystal. Depending upon its inner structure and on how much is dissolved, the pattern that is etched into the crystal varies. Not all parts of a crystal are equally susceptible to etching - the thermodynamically more stable faces can withstand the attacking solutions better. Smaller crystals get dissolved more easily and at an earlier stage than large ones. Some authors like Melody have name them "interference quartz" but corroded quartz can happen anywhere not only in the Himalayas and has the same experience to share. For me Fenster quartz (or corroded, or interference) is a survivor that had the ability to regroup itself after trauma, hence, is very useful to overcome such trauma consciousness and move on while gaining the wisdom that such experience carry

Mentor.- similar to Lightlibrary

Mother and Child point.- Present a main point with another smaller attached to it . It is used metaphysically to work and heal the inner child. Nice example here 

Phantom quartz.- An outline of the shape of a smaller crystal that is visible inside a crystal is called a ghost or a phantom. Metaphysically these crystals are said to assist healing traumas from past lives as well as bringing the wisdom that one acquired then. As well as the properties of the main crystal they will carry the properties of the included phantom so it is not possible to give a detailed list as the permutations of growth are infinite
Sold out but there is a lovely one here

Record keeper.- Metaphysically record keepers are those crystals that have triangles either on relieve or etched (sunken record keeper) on the main faces or body of the crystals. If the triangles are on the faces they are called trigonic. Most authors coincide that record keepers hold information from the past that can be accessed by rubbing one's fingers on them. I have done that and I had insights on civilizations, one thing though, put aside what you have learned in the history books and be open minded

Scepter Quartz.- I am just going to put the link here because it is a very complex subject. Metaphysically speaking they are considered multidimensional metaphysical tools and said to have been used by priest and priestess of old

 Spirit Quartz.- also known as cactus quartz. Often mixed with amethyst or citrine or both. These crystals points are like a cluster and therefore have the same effect a cluster will have. Often in clusters themselves they are clusters of clusters. The more crystal points the more the amplification. White spirit quartz is rare so one must refer to the main combination they have so if they have amethyst they will be of a similar quality as a big amethyst cluster only in miniature. Same applies to citrine spirit points, which are naturally occuring citrine unlike those that come from Brazil which are irradiate Amethyst. When both varieties are present the will have the same attributes as clear quartz, amethyst and citrine or ametrine. Judy Hall recomends them for removing discordant energies and clearing other stones as well as for lay outs and to stabilize earth grids. A good crystal for groups, business and offices or to have by your computer or other electronics. Personally I like them very much

Starseed or Starbrary quartz.- are crystals that are heavily etched with jerogliphs like marks and have at least one key. I seem to be a magnet for these type of crystals that seem to like me so much that keep coming to my shops. These are wonderful crystals to understand the bigger picture, to discover one's life purpose and to learn how to work in co-resonance with the cosmos. I call them "reset crystals" because they reset the blueprint to harmony. These are a must if you are interested in spiritual evolution or to find creative solutions towards building harmony with all that exists in planet Earth. A whole section with Lemurians here

Time links.- Metaphysically speaking they consist of a little parallelogram in the faces of the crystal. If they lean to the left they are called Regression link and if the lean to the right the are called Progression link. They are links to the past or future that allow us to see either the root of a problem or the consequences of a decision before hand

Twin crystals.- are a pair of crystals growing from the same base. There are several geological varieties of which I will write in another blog. Metaphysically there are various interpretations too, some relate twins with twin flames in this world or the next one. Others relate twins to the work one must do integrating consciousness with personality. Personally, since I am more down to Earth I prefer the later but is up to the person that holds the crystal at the end

Wand .- We will talk more about wands in the "vogel wands" blog but for now suffice to say that because of their shape, they have the ability to focus energy. The clearer the body of the crystal the mone focus and powerful the energy will be. I use wands by pointing them to the place where I feel there is a blockage of energy, I do not place the wands directly to the body but from a 10 cm distance. Trying different ways is the best bet to determine what works for you. Wands can be manufactured or natural and will work as well and show the same abilities the crystal they are made of have

Laser Wands.- have the ability to focus energy but, much bigger. They are narrow at the tip that tapers inversely (or narrow at the tip and thicker at the bottom). Like a very narrow triangle. The already increased power of the laser wand gets even bigger when the laser wand is a lemurian point. There is a new variety of lemurians that are pink, they are powerful and mellow at the same time. Authors like Judy Hall consider them "master healers" for any condition, more specifically it appears to have a beneficial effect in the cellular memory. There are also inverse laser wands which Melody says "bring divine order" in life. My personal experience with lasers is of amplification and strengthening of the auric fields. Whether one has it in one's pocket or wears it as pendant. Be aware that lasers that have been drilled lose a bit of their power which escapes through the holes. The best setting for metaphysical crystals is wire wrapped with copper or silver, exception made of silver and gold copper filed wire which will amplify the crystal's power rather than diminish it. Laser wands have to be natural. Some here