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What to do when something not so nice is going on

If you are feeling frazzled today it is not you, nor is space weather. Yes we had a number of quakes but nothing out of the ordinary.

But, the big kahunas are playing war games... thus we are like the ham in the sandwich.

They have new 'toys' they want to test and in the process they are frying your brains and making people chesty.

The going is hard, all the alphabet machinery is on the go in the west and the north east.

What to do?

Well if you live in Britain you first will have a nice cup of tea or, if you live everywhere else it is likely you will have a nice coffee.

I have a cup of coffee after I have done my Aquarian crystal healing techniques, which are the ones that have given me back my strength and physical freedom.

Today I used the techniques in eBook one (link below) but rather than doing them in the astral body, I did them in the mental body.

Yes the problem seems to be in the mental. Things like the fence in the sky do that, pity cos the sky free from gun-ho intervention is rather nice.

Why is the mental body causing physical symptoms? Because it is on the way of the inter-phase with our cosmic nutrition.

I am truly thankful to the Aquarian Elven and trees that have shown me the way of empowerment and real freedom.

If you happen to be interested in what has been written you can go to section of my shop in ETSY where my ebooks are link below.

Sorry I am not being more specific about the gun-ho toys but there is censorship everywhere.