A life where all around me will work too.
And you know what, it did happen at the end, for my life now is almost what I wanted.
And I am still on the beautiful and magical Earth planet.
So how did I get from A to B? well it was rather a winding road, with some dead ends, yet with the help of natural crystals, rocks and trees I realised that the problem was not outside myself, that I did not have to keep moving to find the ideal place, nor I had to find the ideal partner or the ideal anything. That it was a matter of being clear on what I truly wanted, which was feeling happy, healthy and have what I needed.
We humans have the incredible ability to see reality in different ways depending of the one we choose.
Such realities are varied from horrible to magical.
Crystals show me that being 'crystal clear' about my wishes, and considering whether what I wanted was balanced and kind, will manifest what I desire. They also taught me that the more relaxed and mindful I was, the more consistent my magnetism will be.
You know from my other writings that I work on my energy everyday with my trusty crystal friends.
Because crystals are mostly silica , and they are so connected to the planet and the web of life, they are able to reconnect us to Mother Earth and her wisdom.
Trees too can do that, but it is necessary to progress a bit in unwinding the level of stress we all have when we start our own journey towards our own enlightenment and ascending in this life time.
Enlightenment is a tricky concept because most of us do not have a road map. We tend follow teachings that have not demonstrated being efficient at taking us from A to B. I have done that myself and had some truly harrowing and scary experiences too.
At one point in my life after ticking all the boxes on what is being taught by our own fellow humans, and realising that rather than being more healthy, affluent and happy I was the opposite, I called for help from the deepest bottom of myself.
At that time the big rocks on the beach near where I live were my only refuge, thus I think that it is from them that I started to receive insights.
Eventually some natural quartz crystal points and some rose quartz came into my life by synchronicity.
When I started working with crystals I did not know what to do with them, although I liked them very much.
By having them around, I found my health was improving by spending time with them, I was very ill at that time, and continued to explore the crystal kingdom and I eventually opened a eshop about 10 years ago.
From that beginning I will wake up earlier than usual with ideas I knew were new to me. Put them in practice and see real changes happening in my life. My intuition developed progressively.
Crystals explained to me that I needed to dream more often on what was beautiful and working in my life than what did not. For in their opinion people spend too much energy in the things that are disagreeable to them or chasing ideas that belong to other people who have not achieved the things they want yet.
Then I was prompted to go to woods and become friends with tree beings who explained to me, perhaps in my dreams that this planet offers many types of the realities of our own making.
From the constrictive and fearful ones to the ones in which one can feel in peace within and without, have ones inner desires and learn how to love oneself unconditionally which is truly magical.
Thus in my experience I have gone through several realities in this life time, a type or real ascension in consciousness and personality that has shown me a kinder and more supportive Earth than we think it is at first.
I still work with my crystals every day, it is the first thing I do when I wake up. I often put a couple of natural quartz crystal points under my pillow so I do not need to get out of bed to fetch them.
Fairyland, if you want to call it that, is Mother Earth and her wisdom. We can live in fear or anywhere in between up to happiness and occasional bliss in this world, today, if we choose to take the path of crystal healing, tree healing and Earth healing and heal the wrong ideas that we have. For the natural world is organised and beautiful and we are part of it if we want to be.
Why wait until one remote day to be yourself and love yourself as you are? That is the starting point of your own self discovery journey because every one of us has a huge potential to be the light, peace and beauty we all want to see in the world.
May you find your true happiness!