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Self Healed Goddess Quartz

From time to time we are lucky enough to get this rare type of crystal. They are a very rare combination which can be useful for anybody in this time of left brain thinking.

Much of the suffering we experience in our life is derived from being in our left brain all the time.

Yes is true our society seem to be geared towards left brain thinking. All is created and designed for that.

Left brain thinking is associated with logic but that concept is mistaken because logical thinking requires an evaluation of all issues related to the object of analysis.

Thinking with the left brain is only part of the spectrum of life. Understanding with your right brain is a much more refined sense of logic.

I could go on about the virtues of right brain thinking but the bottom line of working with a Goddess crystal is levelling upwards both sides of the brain.

This is what is called 'Genius' thinking but to be honest labels rarely convey the true meaning of things.

I call that real Cosmic Human thinking.

This crystal is also self healed at the bottom which means this is a crystal of discovering your highest potential and self healing yourself.

Link to crystal


Januart 1st 2018

Dear friends and universal family, many things have happened in the past year and many changes have been seen.
Personally I have been very busy working with the Aquarian Elvens from Sadabchia who have decided to activate the Aquarian Harmonic Anchor crystals to a higher level rather than give further healing techniques.

As you are aware we have published two Aquarian crystal healing e-books. One for the Astral Body and another for the Mental Body.

The Elvens from Sadabchia (Aquarian Harmonic Anchor) have said that you can use the same techniques suggested in the one for the Astral body to heal the Emotional body.

If you have been using these techniques for at least three months for the Astral body, you no longer need to do the breathing. If you haven't you will need the activation and the breathing in the ebook and to use the breathing technique for three months.

The other variation is your emotional body boundaries are 10 cm from the physical body up to 30 cm from the physical body.

Use technique for clearing and healing the emotional body and the second technique to replenish it using what they have called Ultra Cosmic frequency which is not visible to the human spectrum, instead of the colour suggested for the Astral body.

If you have Electromagnetic sensitivity you need to do the Astral body techniques first because you need to upgrade that part of your DNA to have a proper effect.

You can still use the Bubble of Recovery if you feel your future has blockages too.

The techniques in both books work very well. I have been using them plus the variation for the emotional body and had very fast progress since 2014 when the Aquarian energies came first.

The Aquarian techniques clear very quickly not only hooks, attachments, entities and so on but also outdated ideas. Equally they can clear negative emotions very quickly without the need to understand them and re-live experiences.

As these techniques leave no holes in the subtle bodies there is no risk to fill the voids that are created by removing a blockage with more negative energy.

If you do not have the first ebook already that is the one you need now. You will also need two Harmonic Anchor Aquarian crystals or one HA plus a Sidhe Aquarian or Ancha Aquarian. If you have not done the Aquarian Activation you can do it with any of this crystals not only the Albali now.

Please note I will not making any more newsletters for the moment so visit this site or join the Celtic Oracle page at Facebook.

If you consider how much money people spend in therapies that do not work (I have done it myself in the past) and how many things one is told one needs to have, the Aquarian healing system and DNA upgrade is an excellent value for money, it is safe and fast.

Here are the direct links

Astral Body upgrade and Humanity's Real History on ETSY -  ebook

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May you have a magical 2018