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The Sidhe - What is Magic - From Humanity's real History

The Sidhe wanted to explain what magic is and why is so important in the Cosmos.

We see the Cosmos as something really distant, inaccessible and static.

We have convinced ourselves that we have no much interaction with the Cosmos.

Yet, we are part of the Cosmos. The Cosmos alters us every instant and we alter the Cosmos every instant.

That is part of the magic.

Real magic is the ability to work with the river of life (web of life) and its energy without altering the flow. A deep understanding of the purpose of the Cosmos is required. This is called wisdom.

We do not know where the Cosmos came from, no one in this side of the Cosmos knows for real what created us.

The Sidhe have glimpses of it because they co-create with the Cosmos in a way we can not even begin to imagine.

One thing it is known and I have been able to understand is that magic wants to grow and that there are certain things that are not conducive to the expansion of such magic.

When I asked the Sidhe whether magic was consciousness they say to me that consciousness is part of magic but that magic had other qualities like trust, inspiration, projection, life force and other things. Such things I know with the rest of my collective soul, but, it would be too difficult for my small body to grasp.

They said that Magic is the Creation itself which is why they decided to embrace it.

Magic, they said, has nothing to do with power, domination, self aggrandizing, selfishness, greed, accumulation of things (including idle knowledge) and so on.

They told me that Magic is alive in everything and that without magic we wouldn't be alive, let alone have imagination.

They told me that Magic learned from the manifested world and learned how to reset what was faltering.

Of course, in the matter of timing one has to consider that the timing for those that live for aeons like the Aquarians, is not the same for those that like us who live like a butterfly, gone so soon.

They said we live so little because we have rejected Magic and in our bodies, our DNA is like a faulty computer that has not enough memory and keeps crashing.

Hence we can not hold enough magic to understand it but, Magic is the very essence of our beings, what we call Soul and what is Spirit.

Which is why Hu Ra failed. It went too much to the other side, to the technology side. To relinquish power is to relinquishing life force.

Every time we believe we can not do this or the other, we are losing Magic which is in part life force too but much more than that.

For Magic is everything everyone truly aspire like love, freedom, happiness, joy, abundance, and so on.

They asked me to write this before what follows so you can understand their side of the argument rather than judge their actions from a Hu Ra point of view.

For the other thing Magic does is to allow each individual to be self responsible. And if they fail to be self responsible and self aware there are self created consequences.

There are no” Lords of Karma”, that is a human invention derived from religious and fearful thinking. What balances energy is our own DNA. Our inbuilt program that can’t be overridden even if we try. The consequences of our actions are balanced automatically by our DNA. Doors are closed or open by our DNA in accordance with that. DNA can not be fooled, although our scientists are trying. DNA is not only physical, it responds to the same principles of manifestation as the rest of the Cosmos.

Hence there is no need for stargates. Another myth created out of ignorance.

We can not live without DNA and the DNA will stop us from living if we misuse our life force.

The rules are simple. To engage Magic all that is needed is to:

  1. Be self responsible
  2. Respect all life (all is equally valuable to the Magic)
  3. Equal or balanced interchange of energy. (Cause and effect)
These rules of magic will be explained in more detail in the following workshops.

No one, not even the super rich can escape the consequences of their actions. If they kill themselves their soul faces the consequences of their breach and, if their soul have died, their spirit (which is a collective spirit) will have to make amends to the breaches.

Once a soul die that is it, there are no new opportunities.

Hence the preservation of our souls is very important.