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Shamanic quartz and Crystal Healing and Merlin, Laylines, Healing places

In my journey seeking crystal healing for myself and laylines I had many adventures. I have to say I never imagine that such journey would lead me to integrate my soul and to change the way I see life so completely.

This journey has taken me to many beautiful places and some not so beautiful and neglected places which were in need of healing. But as my connection with Earth developed, natural abilities also developed in time and now I know healing places is possible.

I normally seek guidance from Merlin who is a great friend of mine. I have remembered my past connection with him from the other side. My connection with Merlin is now in the other direction because Merlin is not in a body in this moment and I am.

So he has been guiding me in all that is related with shamanic crystals. I feel these promptings early in the morning connected me to what needs be doing that day or that week.

Sometimes is about singing, I don't even know what I am supposed to be singing but it comes out naturally and causes the healing. Other times is about gifting back to Earth crystals which have been prepared specially by myself and my Fairy guides to hold a frequency which is necessary to remove or stabilize energies.

In the same way, Merlin is the one who guides me when and from where I need to buy crystals for my shop in ETSY so they get distributed across the globe and help stabilizing as the frequency of Earth rises.

Because despite of all the convolution we might see in the outer world, the frequency has been steadily refining but there is need for change thus the chaos we see. Of course most of us would rather have a smooth journey but if the illness is not identified within the heart of humanity change is impossible.

and if there is no change we would be in the same path of self destruction as it was in Atlantis.

Luckily the chaos is making people question their relationship with Earth, the mother that gives so much and asks for so little in return, and our relationships at political and social levels. We are being called to question everything and to be honest about how we let others use our power because ultimately if we give power away and that power is used badly, we are responsible for that too.

When I need guidance and my conscious is unable to come through, even on practical matters, I get one of my shamanic crystals, get quiet and atune until I see through the fog of everyday life and chaos. It always works.

I have crystals around me in my office, home and usually carry a crystal or two with me when I go out. Their love is sweet and they have become such good friends.

I hope this sharing helps you too see how you can use your own crystals to attain direction, purpose, happiness and self love. It is a journey but one well worth traveling.


EMF and WI-FI sensitivity cure with Crystal Healing

The situation remains the same. I have been talking with others who know about the weather and radiation situation and I am afraid we need to wise up to the fact that Cosmic Rays and Neutrons are not dropping.

It has been explained to me that it is because the Sun is in a deep minimum, thus as consequence the Earth electromagnetic field which protect us from radiation is weak.

Equally our aura is weak because our aura mimics the Earth electromagnetic shield.

Thus much of the health and mental problems we are seeing are connected to that plus now man made EMFs

At a personal level we can do something to minimize these effects in our lives. Around 2008/9 we had a similar situation and I can tell you, despite of being able to meditate and do energy healing I was on the ropes.

It seems a lot of people have electromagnetic sensitivity which is normally diagnosed as fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed too in the early 2000's and took me a long time to find out ways to cope.

Then after trying many things I came across to crystal healing Conventional crystal healing. That help me and that is the reason why I immersed myself and studied all I could find to relevant to the subject.

It makes sense to me that quartz crystal points help the most because they resonate their own aura outwards. In 2014 I was contacted by the Aquatians who gave me their crystal healing system (there are 2 ebooks) and I have never looked back.

I do crystal healing as a meditation now everyday and I have been able to have a normal life, even go around in public transport provided I always have my daily crystal healing session.

It has also diminished the anxiety I used to have and the fear of psychic attacks because as my aura is amplified I am not permeable.

I would say this is the cheapest and more permanent way I have found to keep healthy because once you have your crystals you just need to spend a little time everyday re-setting your frequency.

Without this I have no doubt I won't be able to sleep and also be in significant pain every day because the problem is no my body but the onslaught of man made EMFs increased by a high level of Cosmic Radiation.

If you are interested you can get both, the ebooks and crystals at my shop in ETSY


You are the creator

First Rule of Magic Link to ETSY to buy the ebook

Woodland walking meditation

In our modern society we are normally disconnected from nature. Such disconnection leads to stress, mental and health problems and general unhappiness.

During my shamanic awakening that lead me to review old ideas I had, I experienced a 15 days activation when I contacted an old yew tree in a sacred place in South East England. After that my communication with trees became more fluid, thus I was encouraged by tree dryads to publish a little ebook What the trees told me that an be purchased by following the link as ebook at ETSY. I am not a writer and English is not my first language but I have done my best to translate into words the language of the trees I communicated with. Their insights are life changing. Includes photos of the trees I communicated with.

You can also visit my facebook page and join

This ebook contains the insights I received from trees during a three years period of visits to woodlands in East Sussex. It also has lovely photos of the trees I communicated with.

It is the easiest way to re-kindle the magic within and develop a mental framework that is wholesome and self nurturing.

This book offers a new way of looking at life that would assist you in finding a more liberating, fun and wholesome way of living. Ideal for changing times

We have these lovely Lemurian Light crystals in our ETSY shop

#Lemurian Light #crystals are great crystals for achieving visionary experiences. They are very soothing and assist the Light Body. They support the interface between the Light Body and the Nervous system assisting the later to replenish.
They are a great aid for meditation and they can be used to open the energy vortex at the back of the head facilitating mystical experiences

All my crystals have clear energy, have been energized and activated by a grid of crystal skulls from the Amar and Synergy lines combined with a Aquarian master grid. They are ideal for those that like high energy crystals, energy healers, crystal healers and Reiki practitioners. They will also suit anyone that is raising their frequency.